A comparison and contrast of the various protection sports (suited) available in the United States. On a regular basis I see people posting on social media, asking "what are the differences between the various protection sports" and "which sport should I do?". The first question is fairly easy to answer. The second question takes even…
About: dantero
Author Archives: dantero
Ares TPLO Surgery and Recovery
This is going to be more of a diary tracking Ares TPLO surgery and recovery, than a number of blog articles. I'll be adding updates on a regular basis, but I will be updating this article each time, versus making new posts. First a little history. Ares (Dantero's Ares – FRIII, PSA2, NADF1, CSAU) is…
Breeding for Color
When talking about breeding, on a regular basis you will hear people say "breeding is a balancing act". What this means is that there are MANY different traits to take into consideration when breeding. Structure, temperament, genetic working qualities, cosmetics, health, etc. And each of these categories have many smaller individual traits. Cosmetics can include…
The Elusive Malinois “Off Switch”
On a regular basis I see on social media people talking about an "off switch" and how the Malinois doesn't have one. Especially the working line Malinois. People post their daily routine with their dog, which includes 2 hours of training, 1 hour of fetch at the park in the morning, a 2 hour run…
Teach a Dog To Wear a Muzzle
Types of muzzles When teaching your dog to wear a muzzle, first you need to find one that fits properly. Depending on the use, different muzzles will fit differently. For example the "mikki muzzle", which is the fabric muzzle many vets use, is made for short duration use. With only one purpose, to keep the…
Does Craigslist Equal Irresponsible?
I see posts on social media all the time regarding breeders advertising on Craigslist. With most people of the opinion that if somebody advertises there, they are automatically an irresponsible breeder AKA back yard breeder, who needs to be shut down ASAP. I have never understood the concept that advertising on Craigslist, puppy sale websites,…