For a list of titled/certified dogs produced by Dantero, or our stud dogs, check out this page.
Dantero's Gino - PDC - Gino earned his PSA PDC under judge J. Katz at the RawDog trial in Martinez CA 2024-04-27
Offred du Dantero - AS BT - Jayne earned her AS BT with all excellent ratings 2023-12-16
Orquidea du Dantero - PDC - Orchid earned her PDC under judge Joe Parks at the Square Deal PSA Trial 2023-09-08
R'Arkham du Dantero - MJ - At the Dock Diving Big Air finals Arkham jumped a new personal best with a jump of 21ft 10in - this put them in 2nd place in the Semi Pro division and earned a masters title 2023-07-31
Offred du Dantero - IPG1 - Jayne earned her IGP1 2023-04-30
Never Say Never du Dantero - MR2 - Teagan earned her second leg of the MR2 with High in Trial 2023-04-30
Red Pepper du Dantero - PDC - Pepper earned her PSA PDC under judge Jerry Bradshaw at the NCCPSA trial in Pala CA 2023-03-25
P'Thor du Dantero - PDC - Jay and Thor earned the PSA PDC under judge J. Katz in AZ with scores of 58 obed and 88.5 protection 2023-03-10
Ronin du Dantero - PDC - Ronin earned his PDC under judge Jerry Bradshaw at the NCC PSA trial in Pala CA 2022-10-02
Offred du Dantero - BH - Jayne earned her DVG BH at the Allgemeiner Hundesport Klub 2022-10-02
R'Arkham du Dantero - SJ - Arkham earned his senior jumpers dock dog title, and also an invitation to the World Championships 2022-08-12

Oakley du Dantero - PSA1 - Oakley closed out her PSA1 at the Raw Dog PSA trial in Martinez CA. 2022-08-06
R'Arkham du Dantero - HRD SAR - Arkham passed his cadaver certification with flying colors. 2022-06-02
Doctor Bees du Dantero - DM - Bees earned his Dock Master title 2022-05-08
Dantero's Dela de l'Esprit - PDC - Dela earned her PSA PDC under judge Johnathan Katz at the NCCPSA trial in Pala CA 2022-05-07
Not Today du Dantero - DE - Arya finished her dock elite title 2022-02-12
Doctor Bees du Dantero - MRIII - Bees earned his MRIII at the West Penn Fall 2021 Trial under judge Don Lee 2021-11-06
Orquidea du Dantero - RATS - Orchid burned her senior barn hunt title, three runs, three Qs. 2021-09-11
Never Say Never du Dantero - MR1 - Teagan earned the 2nd leg of her MR1 2021-09-03
Oakley du Dantero - Oakley earned the first leg of her PSA1 with 87.5 in obedience and 178 in protection. Host: U-Tang Judge: Johnathan Katz 2021-05-09
Jasper du Dantero - PDC - Jasper earned her PSA PDC with 59/60 in obedience and 84/90 in protection, with a perfect score in the car jacking scenario. Host: U-Tang Judge: Johnathan Katz 2021-05-08
Never Say Never du Dantero - OB1 - Teagan earned her MR OB1 with high in trial at the Evolution Working Dog Club 2021-03-06

Oakley du Dantero - PDC - Oakley earned her PSA PDC with 61/81.5 under judge Joe Parks at the Southbay Working Dog trial 2021-02-27
Never Say Never du Dantero - Brevet - Teagan earned her MR Brevet at Lone Star in San Antonio TX judge Margaret McKenna 2020-12-05
Never Say Never du Dantero - RN - Teagn earned her Rally Novice, Trick Dog Novice and Trick Dog Intermediate titles 2020-10-31
Iala du Dantero - RN - Yala finished her RN with a score of 97/100 2020-10-29
Not Today du Dantero - Arya took 5th out of 36 teams in the beginner level at the 2020 Michigan K9 Challenge hosted by Backwoods K9 2020-10-18
Dantero's Ares - PSA2 - Ares earned the second leg of his PSA2 under judge Darryl Richey at the Colorado Canine Classic 2020-08-09
Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - FRII - Hagler earned his second leg of FR2 with 277.8/300 2020-06-27
N'Axel du Dantero - Axel earned the first leg of his FR1 at the Copper State Ring Club trial with 184/200 2020-03-07
Doctor Bees du Dantero - MRII - Bees earned the second leg of his MR2 with 271/300 under decoys George Manley, Jake Faas, and Desi Michael, and judge Ann Putegnat. 2020-02-23
Kona du Dantero - NW1 - Kona passed his NW1, successfully completing a blind container search for birch 2020-02-02
O'Stitch du Dantero - SAR - Stitch passed his FEMA certificate evaluation 2020-02-02

Not Today du Dantero - DM - Arya earned her Dock Master title and grabbed 2 20ft Air Retrieves 2020-01-20
Orquidea du Dantero - RATO - Orchid finished her RATO Title with a title with a 1st place and high in class 2020-01-18
Nino Neo du Dantero - Brevet - Neo earned his FR Brevet with 95.05/100 and 1st place under judge Chad Hunter 2020-01-18
N'Axel du Dantero - FR Brevet - Axel earned his FR Brevet with a score of 93.4/100 at the Copper State Ring Sport Club trial in Cave Creek AZ 2019-12-14
Offred du Dantero - NW2 - Jayne finished her NW2 title, trial hosted by Northwest K9 Sniffers in Auburn WA 2019-12-01
Not Today du Dantero - CGC - Arya earned her CGC and Trick Dog Novice titles 2019-11-16
Dantero's Bita de l'Esprit - FRII - Doug and Bita on earning their second FRII leg with a 264.6 under judge Rick Maples 2019-11-03
Terratino du Dantero - K9 - Nero and Officer Smith took 1st place protection, 4th place agility, and 5th place overall in narcotics (Vehicles, Parcels and Buildings) at the 2019 Riverside K9 trials 2019-11-03
Orquidea du Dantero - RATN - Orchid earned her barnhunt novice title, and took 1st place and High in Class in Open. 2019-10-12
Orquidea du Dantero - DM - Orchid earned her dock master title 2019-10-12
Dantero's Ares - Ares passed the first leg of his PSA2 with 85.5 in obedience and 207 points in protection. Judge Sean Edwards host U-Tang 2019-09-21

Iala du Dantero - RATS - Yala earned her barn hunt senior title, with a High in Class 2019-09-17
Never Say Never du Dantero - CGC - Teagan earned her CGC 2019-09-17
Doctor Bees du Dantero - MR2 - Bees earned the first leg of his MR2 with a score of 249/300 2019-09-07
Not Today du Dantero - DS - Arya earned her NADD senior dock title 2019-07-07
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATCHX6 - Axe earned her Crazy 8s Platinum Bronze 2 title with a perfect eight rat run for the 100 points that were needed and a five point time bonus. She also finished her RATCHX 6 at the last trial 2019-07-02
Not Today du Dantero - RN - Arya earned her RN in 3 straight shows with 96/100 and two 98/100 legs. She also went Reserve Winners Bitch 2019-06-23
Maruti's Wanderer - Ultima du Dantero - MRI - Gypsy eared her second leg of the MRI with 195/200 2019-05-26
Dantero's Bita de l'Esprit - FR2 - Bita earned the first leg of her FR2 with a 250.8/300 and a lot of slow to out points LOL 2019-05-12
Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - FR2 - Hagler earned the first leg of his FR2 with a High in Trial with a 282.4/300 2019-05-11
Terratino du Dantero - K9 Trials - Nero and Officer Smith took 1st Place Vehicle Search, 5th Place Building Search, 5th Place Parcel Search, 1st Place Protection and 3rd Place Agility plus the Top Dog team award at the Sierra K9 Trials 2019-05-04
Not Today du Dantero - 1st place in dock diving chase-it, Arya also qualified for the Ultimate Air Dog National Competition 2019-02-24

Orquidea du Dantero - RATI - Orchid earned her RATI 2019-02-15
Femme Fatale du Dantero - Flirt is the #1 BSD and #4 All Breeds in Nova Scotia 2018 Obedience Standings 2019-02-09
Nino Neo du Dantero - BH - Neo earned his BH under judge Zoltan Nagy 2019-02-09
Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - MR1 - Hagler earned his MRI with a 192/200 at the South Texas Syndicate Ringsport Club trial with judge Don Lee 2019-02-02
Doctor Bees du Dantero - MR1 - Bees earned his MRI under judge Anne-Sophie Mullenders at The Purge 2019-01-26
Marrok Making Mayhem - Ukkie du Dantero - RE - Mork earned his RE (rally excellent) title 2019-01-10
Marrok Making Mayhem - Ukkie du Dantero - RATS - Mork earned his RATS title 2018-11-10
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATCHX5 - Axe earned her RATCHX5 and Crazy 8s Platinum Gold titles 2018-11-02
Nino Neo du Dantero - CGC - Neo earned his CGC 2018-10-27
Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - FRI - Hagler earned his second FRI leg and took 3rd place in the NARA Championships 2018-10-14
Not Today du Dantero - RATN - Arya finished her barn hunt novice title, with High in Class on all the legs, and earned her first open legs. 2018-10-14

Not Today du Dantero - RATI - Arya earned her barn hunt instinct title and 2 legs on her Novice title with all 1st place and high in class finishes! 2018-10-13
Dantero's Ares - PSA1 - Ares earned his PSA1 with a 83.5/183 Q and 1st place PSA1 at the Golden State PSA Club trial in Oceanside CA 2018-09-29
Iala du Dantero - Yala took High in Class in Barn Hunt Open 2018-09-16
Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - FRI - Hagler earned his first FRI leg and became the NARA Eastern Region FRI Champion with 190.65/200 2018-09-16
Dantero's Ares - PDC - Ares earned his PSA PDC under judge Mike Wandell at the SouthBay Working Dog Club trial 2018-09-03
Going Solo du Dantero - PDC - Solo earned his PSA PDC under judge Mike Wandell at the SouthBay Working Dog Club trial, and he beat Ares by 2 points 2018-09-03
Helix Du Dantero - SAR - Xero passed both her hasty test and her 40 acre night search for SBSD Search Dogs 2018-08-10
Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - Brevet - Hagler earned his brevet today with a 96.7/100 under judge Jake Brandyberry and decoy Ross Hanson 2018-08-04
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - CZ8P - Axe is the highest titled Belgian Malinois in Barn Hunt Crazy 8s! She is the first one to receive the Platinum Bronze title! 2018-07-31
Dantero's Bita de l'Esprit - FRI - Congratulations to Doug and Bita on passing the second leg of their FRI at the Les Amis Ring Sports trial. Judge: Pierre-Yves Secretain Decoy: Roman Behaeghel 2018-07-29
Marrok Making Mayhem - Ukkie du Dantero - CD - Mork finished his CD 2018-07-07

D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - CZ8P - Axe was High in Trial in all three of her master runs, received 180 Crazy 8s points and earned her Crazy 8s platinum bronze title at the barn hunt trial in East Windsor CT 2018-07-04
Jett du Dantero - SAR-HRD - Jett is the newest certified HRD team on the San Bernardino Sheriffs Search Dog Team. 2018-06-05
Femme Fatale du Dantero - CDX - Flirt passed her final leg to finish her CDX title with a 186/200 2018-06-02
Kona du Dantero - BH - Kona earned her IPO BH 2018-06-02
Maruti's Wanderer - Ultima du Dantero - MR Brevet - Gypsy earned her MR Brevet, and 1st place at the South Texas Sydicate Ringsport under judge Donald Lee 2018-06-02
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATCHX3 - Axe finished her RATCHX3 title, along with earning150 Crazy 8s points, at the Lucky Dog trial. 2018-05-28
Jett du Dantero - SAR - Jett passed her CARDA (CA Rescue Dog Association) Cadaver 1 Mission Ready Test 2018-05-28
Marrok Making Mayhem - Ukkie du Dantero - RATO - Mork earned his RATO 2018-05-16
Dantero's Bita de l'Esprit - FRI - Bita earned her FRI with a score of 165.9 (no out on the gun attack) at the BARC trial 2018-05-11
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - Last weekend at Lucky Dog Events Axe earned two master high in trials and 195 Crazy 8s points. This weekend at Central K-9 Axe received her Crazy 8s Platinum title and one high in trial and one second place in master. 2018-05-06
Jett du Dantero - CGC - Jett passed her CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test 2018-04-22

Marvelous Marvin - Ukon du Dantero - CSAU - Haggler earned his CSAU under judge Chad Hunter 2018-04-20
Marrok Making Mayhem - Ukkie du Dantero - RN - Mork earned his RN title 2018-04-16
Marrok Making Mayhem - Ukkie du Dantero - CGC - Mork earned his CGC 2018-04-16
Femme Fatale du Dantero - RM - Flirt finished her CKC Masters Rally title and earned the second leg towards her CDX (Open) title with a High in Class 193/200 2018-04-15
Jett du Dantero - SAR HRD - Jett passed her K9 SARTEC - Land HRD - Type III Test 2018-04-15
Iala du Dantero - RATN - Yala earned her barn hunt novice title 2018-04-14
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATCHX2 - Axe earned her RATCHX2 title with a second place finish and a leg towards her RATCHX3 with a first place high in trial, along with 70 points in Crazy 8s 2018-03-19
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - C8 Gold - Axe earned her Crazy 8s Gold title 2018-03-01
Dantero's Bita de l'Esprit - Brevet - Bita earned her FR Brevet with 93.4/200 under judge Guy Alart with decoy Kevin Alart at the SCABR trial 2018-02-11
Maruti's Wanderer - Ultima du Dantero - USMRA EWA - Gypsy passed her Mondio Ring Evaluation of Working Aptitude Sociability Test 2018-01-20
Femme Fatale du Dantero - Natnl Standings - With limited showing Flirt is the #1 Belgian Shepherd in NS, #4 Herding Dog in NS, #7 All breeds in NS, #6 Belgian Shepherd in Canada in the 2017 Rally Standings 2017-12-11

Dantero's Bita de l'Esprit - CSAU - Bita earned her CSAU under judge Camille Tisserand at the FR trial hosted by PHD Dog Training in Norco CA 2017-12-02
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - Master 1, she smashed her previous record time of 118.78 seconds with 95.91 second run. Master 2, she did it again with a run of 80.03 seconds. Both were 1st place, high in trial. She also earned 160 points towards her Crazy 8s Gold title. 2017-11-27
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATCHX - Axe finished her RATCHX title with another 1st place and High in Trial 2017-11-19
Terratino du Dantero - K9 Trials - Officer Smith and K9 Nero took 2nd Place Overall (High Marks in all categories: Obedience, Agility, Building Search, Area Search and Protection) at the 2017 Riverside County K9 Trials 2017-11-04
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - APR2 - Fawkes earned the IPO APR 2 at the Wildwood Schutzhund Club in Pacific, MO under judge Marcel Ehrenreich and helper Joeri Veth. The APR2 is an IPO2 without tracking. 2017-10-23
Femme Fatale du Dantero - RE - Flirt earned her RE with a 99/100 and High in Class 2017-10-07
Going Solo du Dantero - Solo competed in his first competition, a PSA Mock trial. He passed the PDC with 132.5/155 pts and took first place, edging out Ares by 1 point. 2017-08-19
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - DM - Fawkes finished off his AKC North American Diving Dogs master title 2017-05-14
Fast Forward du Dantero - CJ earned the second leg of both her HSAs and HSBs taking 1st place in each class, and going Reserve High in Trial under judge Debbie George 2017-05-06
Fast Forward du Dantero - HRDII - CJ earned the second leg of the HRDII to finish the title under judge Debbie George 2017-05-05
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATCH - Just a little over 10 months since her first Barn Hunt trial, Axe received her Champion title and her Crazy 8s Bronze title 2017-04-30

D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - Axe earned two more legs towards her RATCH title, both with 1st Place and High in Trial 2017-03-19
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - Another great Barn Hunt weekend! Axe passed four legs towards her RATCH title with three first place High in Trial and one second place. She also received 160 points towards her Crazy 8s title and a High in Trial, plus a perfect weekend ribbon for receiving a qualifying score in all four of her master classes. 2017-03-04
Helix Du Dantero - FEMA - Xero passed her FEMA CA-TF5 live find disaster dog test and is now certified for depolyment. 2017-03-04
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATM - After only 7 months in the sport, Axe finished her Masters title 2017-01-15
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - HIT - Axe had a great day at Barn Hunt today, she got two more legs of Master, both with a 1st place and high in trial! 2016-12-18
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - Fawkes won second place in the Big Air veterans senior division at the AKC National Championships 2016-12-17
Doctor Bees du Dantero - CGC - Bees earned his CGC, just shy of 10 months old 2016-12-03
Fast Forward du Dantero - RHIT - CJ earned earned her first leg of the HSBs under judge Ken Theus and went Reserve High in Trial for the event. 2016-11-26
Fast Forward du Dantero - HRDI - CJ earned qualifying runs in HTADI, HRDI, and HTDI finishing all three titles under judge Ken Theus. In addition, in the HTAD1 class she was 4th out of 23 dogs. 2016-11-25
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - WC - Fawkes is the 2016 Dock Dogs Dueling Dogs Class Four WORLD CHAMPION 2016-11-13
Femme Fatale du Dantero - RA - In two Rally Trials Flirt earned the last two RA legs and finished her RA title 2016-11-13

Femme Fatale du Dantero - HIT - In two more obedience trials Flirt earned 2 extra legs for her CD, High in Class and High in Trial for both legs 2016-11-13
Femme Fatale du Dantero - CD - In two Obedience Trials Flirt finished her CD title and earned 1 spare CD leg with 2 High in Class, 2 High in Trials 2016-11-12
Femme Fatale du Dantero - HIC - In two Rally Trials Flirt earned a spare RN leg, 1 advanced Rally leg, and both High in Class 2016-11-12
Velocity du Dantero - RAE - Vel finished his Rally Advanced Excellent title. 2 100pt 1st places with a High Combined award. An 86pt due to handler error, and a 2nd place 99pt. 2016-11-06
Femme Fatale du Dantero - RN - Flirt finished her RN title with all 3 legs going High in Class 2016-11-06
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - RATS - Axe finished her senior title with a 1st place High in Trial and then got her first leg of master with a second place finish! 2016-10-23
Fast Forward du Dantero - PT - CJ earned her PT with two clean runs and complimentary comments from the judges. 2016-07-16
Bagheera Le Sage Du Morgan - FR1 - Bagheera earned his FR1 at the Black Sheep Ringsport trial 2016-07-09
Hurricane du Dantero - Brevet - Storm earned her FR Brevet at the SCABR trial in Compton CA under judge Rick Maples with a 98.7/100 and 1st Place 2016-06-05
Fast Forward du Dantero - HCT - CJ earned the 1st leg of her HCT under Margie Clutter, and the 2nd leg and title under judge Rich Godfrey in Escondido CA 2016-05-08
Pakita du Dantero - HT - Kita earned the second leg for title of her HT under judge Margie Cutter at the SPVHC trial in Escondido, CA 2016-05-07

Nexxus to E du Dantero - EL - Nexxus earned her NADF EL with all excellent ratings, 1st place EL, High in Trial Protection at NorCalK9 under judge Marcel Harnois 2016-04-03
Dantero's Ares - NADF1 - Ares earned his NADF1 with 1st place NADF1 and High in Trial Obedience at NorCalK9 under judge Marcel Harnois 2016-04-03
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - MRI - Fawkes earned his MRI under judge Ann Putegnat 2016-03-20
Dantero's Ares - Ares took 1st place in the Advanced division at the 2016 Winter Rumble Protection Dog Tournament 2016-02-21
Nexxus to E du Dantero - Nexxus took 3rd place in the Advanced division at the 2016 Winter Rumble Protection Dog Tournament 2016-02-21
A'Ezzard du Dantero - IPOIII - Ezzard 2016 USCA SW Regional Championships IPOIII Vice Champion 97-84-92 273 High Tracking and High Protection 2016-02-21
Nexxus to E du Dantero - Nexxus took 3rd place in the Intermediate division at the 2016 Winter Rumble Protection Dog Tournament out of a group of 7 dogs. 2016-02-20
Dantero's Ares - Ares took 1st place in the Intermediate division at the 2016 Winter Rumble Protection Dog Tournament out of a group of 7 dogs. 2016-02-20
Velocity du Dantero - BH - Vel earned his Schutzhund BH 2015-11-13
Brando du Dantero - Brando and his handler took 5th place in protection at the 2015 Riverside Sheriff K9 Team Trials 2015-11-11
Terratino du Dantero - K9 Trials - Officer Smith and Nero were awarded 1st Place in Obedience and 2nd Place in Agility and Evidence Search at the 2015 Riverside K9 Trials 2015-11-09

Meldrim's Halligan du Dantero - RATI - Halligan earned both his RATI and RATN titles 2015-11-09
Velocity du Dantero - CDX/RE - Vel finished his CDX and RE titles 2015-11-03
Dantero's Ares - FRIII - Ares earned his FRIII with a 331.2 under judge Rick Maples, decoys Darshan Herran and Kraig Guay at the Ind. Ringers South trial in Escondido CA 2015-09-05
Nexxus to E du Dantero - Earned qualifying HRDIII and HTDIII scores under Judge Bob Dias for her first 2 AHBA HTCH points, and went Reserve High in Trial HTDIII 2015-08-16
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HRDIII - Nexxus earned the second leg of her HRDIII under Rusty Jeffers for the title 2015-08-15
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HXBsM - Nexxus earned the final leg of her HXBsM title and another 3 point major with a 1st place HXAs run, missing high in trial by 1 point. 2015-07-19
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HC - Nexxus took 1st place for a 4 point major in HXAs, finishing her Herding Championship at the SPVHC Siesta trial 2015-07-18
Velocity du Dantero - RA - Vel finished his Rally Advanced Title with a spare leg (4th, 3rd and 1st place) and got his first Rally Excellent leg (1st place) He also picked up 2 legs toward his CDX, both with first place ribbons. 2015-07-13
Y'Desmosedici du Dantero - Desmo took 1st place in her class and secured a spot in the finals at her first dock diving event 2015-06-28
Terratino du Dantero - K9 Nero won 1st Place Overall in the Open Class at the the Bakersfield PD K9 Trials with a 2nd place finish in Protection, 3rd Place building search and 4th Place in Obedience 2015-06-27
Brodi du Dantero - K9 Atlas took 1st place in Agility, 3rd Place in Obedience, and 5th in Area Search Categories at the Bakersfield K9 trials 2015-06-27

Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - MR OB1 - Fawkes earned his MR OB1 title (MR 1 obedience with no bitework or jumps) 2015-06-20
Red Devil's Ares du Dantero - NW3 - Nosework 3 trial - 1st place Interiors- only team under 3 minutes. 2nd Place Exterior, 3rd Place vehicles and 3rd place overall. 2015-06-14
Iala du Dantero - CGC - Yala earned her CGC at the Hidden Valley Obed Club 2015-05-16
D'Meldrim's Axe du Dantero - CSAU - Axe earned her CSAU with an Excellent rating at the Wicked Smart Ring Club trial. 2015-05-16
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HTDIIIs - Nexxus finished her HTDIII title under judge Terry Folsom, also going Reserve High in Trial 2015-05-06
V'Neche Aleshanee du Dantero - HIC - Neche passed her HIT (Herding Instinct Test) at On the Lamb Ranch 2015-03-14
A'Ezzard du Dantero - IPOIII - Ezzard earned his IPOIII under judge Willie Pope 93. 89. 96 and HIT IPOIII 2014-12-12
Dantero's Ares - FRII - Ares earned the second leg of his FRII with High in Trial under judge Michel Valladon at the ERD trial in Oceanside, CA going from Brevet to FRII in 4 months. 2014-11-15
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HRDIII - Nexxus went High in Trial HRDIII under judge Priscilla Phillips, and qualified for her first HTDIII leg. 2014-10-19
Red Devil's Ares du Dantero - NW2 - Nosework two title. 2nd place overall, 1st place Exterior search , 2nd place Container search, 3rd place Vehicles search. 2014-10-13
Brodi du Dantero - K9 - K9 Atlas and Officer Wilson - SLT Police K9 Trials - 1st place Overall. 1st Place Novice. 2nd Place Agility, 3rd Place Obedience, 3rd Place Protection. 2014-09-28

Dantero's Ares - FRII - Ares earned the first leg of his FRII with 256.1 and 2nd out of 5 teams under judge John Bayreuther at the Copper State Ring Club trial in Cave Creek AZ 2014-08-16
Dantero's Ares - FRI - Ares earned the second leg of his FRI with 192.8 and High in Trial FRI under judge John Bayreuther at the Copper State Ring Club trial in Cave Creek AZ 2014-08-15
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HXAsM - Nexxus earned her Herding Excellent Masters title on A Course Sheep 2014-07-19
Dantero's Ares - Brevet - Ares earned his FR Brevet with a score of 93.4 and 2nd place under judge Richard Bonilla at the IRS trial in Oceanside CA 2014-07-12
Dantero's Ares - FRI - Ares earned his FRI with a score of 178 and 2nd place under judge Richard Bonilla at the IRS trial in Oceanside CA 2014-07-12
Bagheera Le Sage Du Morgan - MRI - Bagheera passed his MRI at the DC Swringers trial under judge Aida Flick 2014-04-26
Emilia d'Mac du Dantero - CSAU - Mimi earned her CSAU with very complimentary comments from the judge 2014-04-26
Luigi du Dantero - Champ - Luigi and David did it again, becoming the SW Regional SchIII Champions for the fourth time. 2014-01-19
Red Devil's Ares du Dantero - NW1 - Ares earned his NW1 title with 3rd place in exterior search, 3rd place in vehicle search, 2nd place in Interior search, 1st place overall and a "Pronounced" acknowledgment 2014-01-11
Nexxus to E du Dantero - Champ - Nexxus is the #1 Malinois in AKC Herding Rankings for 2013 2014-01-01
A'Ezzard du Dantero - IPO II - Ezzard earned his SchII under judge Elmar Mannes with a score of 99-90-94 High in Trial, High Tracking and High Obedience 2014-00-15

Beretta du Dantero - CD/RA - Minion finished her RA and CD with a High in Trial 2013-10-30
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - TDI - Fawkes passed his therapy dog certification (TDI) 2013-10-24
Nexxus to E du Dantero - Nexxus earned the first leg of her HSAd title going High in Trial under judge Ted Ondrak at the GSRC trial in Escondido CA 2013-10-19
WR Bailey du Dantero - CSAU - Bailey passed her CSAU at the BARC FR trial in Lodi CA. Judge: Kadi Thingvall 2013-09-28
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - FR Brevet - Fawkes earned his FR Brevet under judge Richie Bonilla and decoy Wade Morrell with a 90.7 (HIT) at Chi Town Ringers at the Dog Sports Festival, St. Anne, IL 2013-09-02
WR Bailey du Dantero - CGC - Bailey earned her CGC 2013-07-24
Terratino du Dantero - Nero won the Agitators Choice award (hardest hitting dog) along with 4th place awards for both Overall Patrol and Patrol Search and 5th place awards for Patrol Agility and Patrol Obedience at the Dos Palos, CA K9 Trials 2013-07-23
Brando du Dantero - SWAT - Brando and his handler made the SWAT team 2013-06-20
Dantero's Ares - CSAU - Ares earned his CSAU with excellent ratings in all categories at the Extreme Ring Trial under judge Richie Bonilla 2013-05-25
Luigi du Dantero - Champ - 9th place in the FMBB 2013 IPO World Championship 2013-05-05
Tweak du Dantero - IPO I - Tweak earner her IPO I with 82, 93, 75. A missed article on the track and control issues in the bitework contributed to the score 2013-04-28

Nexxus to E du Dantero - HSAc - Nexxus finished her HSAc title under judge Steve Waltenburg with 1st place in her class and Reserve High in Trial 2013-04-14
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HXBs - Nexxus finished her HXBs title under judge Robin Penland-Elliott with 2nd place in her class 2013-04-14
Nexxus to E du Dantero - Nexxus earned High Combined at the American Rottweiler Club 2013 National Specialty Herding Trial by having the most points from qualifying runs of all the dogs in the trial and another leg towards her HXAs Masters title under judge Bob Dias. 2013-04-14
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HIBs - Nexxus earned another qualifying leg in HXAs (working towards a Masters and championships points) and finished her HIBs title under George “Rusty” Jeffers. She also earned her first HSAc leg under judge Ted Ondrak. 2013-04-06
Stryker du Dantero - CSAU - Styker earned his CSAU at the Independent Ringers trial in Valley Center CA 2013-02-23
Taser du Dantero - FRIII - Taser earned the first leg of his FRIII with a score of 332 at the Independent Ringers trial in Valley Center CA Judge: K Thingvall Decoys: J Talamantes and D Acosta 2013-02-23
A'Ezzard du Dantero - IPO I - David and Ezzard earned the IPO I at the Phoenix Schutzhund Club trial with a score of 81-87-95p and HIT IPO I. 2013-02-10
Beretta du Dantero - RN - Minion finished her Rally Novice title with a score of 92/100, 2nd place and earned the first leg on her CD with a score of 187/200, 1st place 2013-01-27
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HXAs - Nexxus earned her HXAs title in 3 straight competitions under Judges Jan Wesen - 80pts Lynn Leach - 88.5pts and Steve Waltenburg - 85pts at the San Diego Classic 2013-01-12
Meldrim's Halligan du Dantero - FRII - Halligan earned his 1st leg of FRII at the 2012 NARA Championships with a 3rd place finish. Judge Andre Agremont Decoys Thomas Kober and Matt Nieuwkoop 2012-11-10
Luigi du Dantero - Luigi took 4th place at the 2012 AWMA Nationals 84-94-95 and earned a spot on the next World team 2012-11-10

Neko du Dantero - BH - Neko passed his BH 2012-11-10
Terratino du Dantero - TopDog - Nero and his handler James Smith took the Top Dog award (1st place overall) in the Patrol Division at the 2012 Riverside County Sheriffs Dept K9 Trials 2012-11-03
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HIAs - Nexxus finished her HIAs title under judge Kathy Murphy with a score of 84 in her final run and a 3rd place finish. 2012-10-21
A'Ezzard du Dantero - BH - Ezzard earned his Sch BH under judge Bill Sentmeklosi at the Scottsdale Sch Club trial in Cave Creek AZ 2012-10-21
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HSBs - Nexxus earned the last leg of her HSBs for the title with a score of 90/100 under judge Larry Favreau 2012-10-20
A'Zeke du Dantero - SRD - Zeke earned his Senior Jumpers title through Dock Dogs 2012-08-30
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - TopGunEV - Fawkes qualified for World Championships in Top Gun Extreme Vertical 2012-08-19
Sorcha du Dantero - TDI - Sorcha earned her TDI certification 2012-08-18
Tektite du Dantero - NF - Tektite finished his NF title with multiple placements 2012-08-18
Velocity du Dantero - CD - Vel earned his CD with 2 first places and a second 2012-07-15
Velocity du Dantero - RN - Vel earned his RN with a first and third place 2012-07-15

Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - EV Top Gun - Fawkes earned his EV Top Gun title, qualified for regionals, and took first place 2012-06-15
Lestat du Dantero - UPr-1 - Lestat earned his UPr-1 (IPO Obedience title) under judge N. Roque at the North County Schutzhund Club trial. 2012-06-02
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - PSA PDC - Fawkes earned his PSA PDC, with high score in obedience Judge Darryl Richey 2012-05-20
Luigi du Dantero - FMBB - Luigi and David came in 3rd place at the 2012 FMBB World Championships with a score of 474.50 100 - 92 - 95 - 94.5 - 93 2012-05-06
Lynxiene du Dantero - Brevet - Corina and Lynx earned the FR Brevet in Riverside CA with a score of 95/100. Judge: S. Nieuwkoop Decoy: Adrian Centeno 2012-05-05
Luigi du Dantero - FMBB - Luigi and David came in 3rd place at the 2012 FMBB World Cup out of 83 teams with a score of 100-92-95 and High Score Tracking. 2012-05-05
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - Champ - Todd and Bella have done it again, Bella is the 2012 Texas State Champion and the newest member of the Purina Incredible Dog Team 2012-03-30
Taser du Dantero - FRII - Taser earned the first leg of his FRII at the Northwest Working K-9's trial in Newberg Oregon 2011-11-19
Woody Acres Quick Draw du Dantero - Brevet - Quick earned her FR Brevet at the Northwest Working K-9's trial in Newberg Oregon 2nd place out of 7 dogs 2011-11-19
Woody Acres Quick Draw du Dantero - CSAU - Quick earned her CSAU at the Northwest Working K-9's trial in Newberg Oregon with a rating of Excellent 2011-11-19
Saber du Dantero - BN - Saber earned his BN with scores of 191, 192.5 and 195 2011-10-29

Nexxus to E du Dantero - HIT - Nexxus qualified in Novice B under judge Barbara Nowak with a score of 196.5/200, 3rd in a class of 19 and High in Trial Herding Titled dog for the event. 2011-10-23
Nexxus to E du Dantero - TFE - Nexxus earned her TFE (Top Flight Executive) in Ramona CA, trial hosted by Fast Forward 2011-10-01
Rodent of Unusual Size du Dantero - FRII - Rous finished his FRII title at the CRA Championships, and also became the 2011 CRA FRII Vice Champion 2011-10-01
Red Devil's Ares du Dantero - Brevet - Ares passed his CSAU and FR Brevet with 93.9 points at the Western Regional Championships in Seabeck WA, judge Yves Billat 2011-09-10
O'Boy Quil Coute Cher du Dantero - IPO 1 - Poe earned his IPO1, 70 88 92a 2011-09-10
Taser du Dantero - FRI - Taser finished his FRI title with a High in Trial score of 191.75 at the SCABR trial in Valley Center CA 2011-09-04
Nexxus to E du Dantero - FdCH-S - Nexxus finished her FdCH-S title in Chula Vista, trial hosted by INXS 2011-09-03
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - Sch WH - Fawkes passed his WH at a DVG trial, under judge Ann Dolan, hosted by Sweetcorn Kennels in St. Anne, IL 2011-09-03
Kellen's Wyatt - BH - Wyatt, a Ransom son, passed his BH with his owner Sylvia Grimes at the Merrimack Valley Working Dog Club 2011-09-03
Vito du Dantero - Sch BH - Vito earned the Sch BH at the tender age of 15 months, just old enough to qualify to enter. 2011-09-02
Nexxus to E du Dantero - CL1-R - Nexxus entered her second weekend of agility trials, and earned her CL1-R (CPE Standard) title. She also earned legs towards her level 2 titles, with multiple 1st place finishes. 2011-08-21

Taser du Dantero - FRI - Taser earned the first leg of his FRI under judge Rick Maples. He suffered from some "teenage moments" but still turned in a passing score of 168, 2011-08-13
Nexxus to E du Dantero - CL1-H/S - Nexxus finished 2 more agility titles in her first weekend of trials, CL1-H and CL1-S, with all 1st place finishes 2011-07-24
Nexxus to E du Dantero - CL1-F - Nexxus entered her first agility trial and Q'd in 4 out of 5 runs, all of them with 1st place finishes. She also earned her first agility title, CL1-F 2011-07-23
Tektite du Dantero - CL2-H, CL2-S - Tektite finished two more level 2 CPE agility title, with 6 out of 8 legs being 1st Place runs 2011-06-19
Nexxus to E du Dantero - FDCh - Nexxus earned her FDCh title consistently turning in times of 4.2 with a couple 4.1s and a bunch of start times of 0.00x (0.005, 0.008, etc). 2011-06-04
Tweak du Dantero - BH - Tweak and Tim earned the BH at OG Indianapolis SchH und Polizei, Judge Mike Hamilton 2011-05-22
Taser du Dantero - Brevet - Taser earned his CSAU and FR Brevet with 96.7/100 and High in Trial at the Phoenix Rising Ringers trial in Glendale AZ 2011-05-08
Calice du Dantero - CL1 - Cali competed in her first ever agility trial, and qualified in 9 out of 10 runs over the course of two days, earning all 4 level 1 agility titles CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-S, CL1-F. Judge: Barrett Benson Host Club: Ups-n-Downs Agility 2011-04-24
Tektite du Dantero - CL2-F - Tektite finished his first level 2 CPE agility title, with all 1st Place runs 2011-04-24
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - BH, AD - Fawkes earned the BH and AD in North Carolina at the Piedmont Schutzhund Club under judge Warren Jones 2011-03-27
Luigi du Dantero - SW Regional Champ - David and Luigi did it again, winning the 2011 SW Regional SchIII Championships. 3rd year in a row. 2011-03-20

Bagheera Le Sage Du Morgan - BH - Bagheera and Tavia earned their BH. He had his "moments" but held it together enough to pass 🙂 2011-03-20
Rodent of Unusual Size du Dantero - FRII - Rous earned the first leg of his FRII with a score of 242/300 and 1st place FRII 2011-03-19
Tektite du Dantero - CL1-H, CL1-S - Tektite finished his level 1 CPE agility trials with all 1st Place runs 2011-02-12
Tektite du Dantero - CL1-F, CL1-R - Tektite finished his first 2 CPE agility titles with 3 1st and 1 2nd place finishes 2011-01-09
Pakita du Dantero - FRI Champ - Kita competed at the NARA Championships in Hutto TX, under judge Dominique Piton, and became the 2010 NARA National FRI Grand Champion 2010-11-15
Obsidian du Dantero - BH - Sini and Sandy earned the Sch BH 2010-11-14
Ignito du Dantero - CD - Neo earned his CD in 3 straight trials (1 weekend) with 2 1st place wins in his class 2010-11-05
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - 2010 UFO Disc Dog National World Cup Finals in San Diego CA - 2nd place in the overall Championship Finals. 2010-10-23
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - 2010 UFO Disc Dog National World Cup Finals in San Diego CA - 2nd place in the All Star Freestyle competitions 2010-10-23
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - 2010 UFO Disc Dog National World Cup Finals in San Diego CA - 4th place in the All Star Throw and Catch 2010-10-23
Nexxus to E du Dantero - TF-III - Nexxus earned her TF-III in Ramona CA. Her best time for the day, that I saw at least, was 4.2 with a very wide pass. 2010-10-01

Pakita du Dantero - FRI Champ - Kita won the 2010 FRI Western Regional Championship with a score of 187.3/200 under judge Andre Agremont and decoys Waleed Maalouf and Matt Nieuwkoop 2010-09-25
Nexxus to E du Dantero - FDX - Nexxus earned her FD and FDX in one day of racing at Rohr Park in Chula Vista CA 2010-09-12
Pakita du Dantero - FRI - Kita earned the second leg of her FRI under judge Michael Valladon (France) at the ERD trial in Valley Center CA. 184.05/200 and High in Trial FRI. Decoys Josh McCleary and Mike Porter 2010-09-04
Sorcha du Dantero - NDD - Sorcha passed her Narcotics Detection Dog test, and will begin her working career 2010-08-30
Lestat du Dantero - CGC - Lestat passed his CGC with flying colors 2010-08-29
Rodent of Unusual Size du Dantero - FRI - Rous earned the second leg of his FRI, with a High in Trial, under Judge Maurice Malaise (France) at the West Coast Ringsport trial in Alberta Canada 2010-07-30
Pakita du Dantero - FRI - Kita earned the first leg of her FRI with a score of 191.7/200 (1st place) under judge Shannon Nieuwkoop at the SCABR trial in Riverside CA 2010-07-10
Nexxus to E du Dantero - CSAU - Nexxus earned her CSAU with all Excellent ratings under judge Shannon Nieuwkoop, SCABR trial 2010-07-09
Sorcha du Dantero - CGC - Sorcha earned her CGC 2010-06-26
Havok du Dantero - BH - Havok and Sandi earned their SchH BH under judge Doug Deacon 2010-06-12
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - PIDC - Todd and Bella, AKA Big Air Bella, took 2nd place at the 2010 Purina Incredible Dog Challenge in the freestyle flying disc event in Del Mar CA. 2010-06-12

Luigi du Dantero - IPOIII - Luigi and David took 6th place at the 2010 AWDF Nationals in a field of over 60 entries with a score of 97 92 93 - 282. Judges were Clemente Grosso (A) Robert Markschläger (B) Johannes Grewe (C) 2010-05-30
D'Rica de Monte Grande - FRI - Rica passed the second leg of her FRI under judge Rick Maples in Ryde CA taking 3rd place with a score of 177.0 2010-05-15
Pakita du Dantero - FR Brevet - Kita passed her FR Brevet with a score of 95.2 and 1st place under judge Rick Maples at the BARC trial in Ryde CA 2010-05-15
Dantero's Matrix - SchBH - Jamie and Matrix passed their BH at the Cascade SchH Verein under judge Anne Marie Chaffin. 2010-05-08
I'Lefty du Dantero - CSAU - Lefty competed for, and passed his CSAU in Riverside CA. He also competed for his Brevet, and had an excellent routine going (high 90's out of 100) until the very last exercise, when he decided not to out (NQ). 2010-05-01
D'Rica de Monte Grande - FRI - Rica passed her FRI with a 185.1 and first place in Riverside CA, judge K. Thingvall 2010-05-01
Rodent of Unusual Size du Dantero - FRI - Rous earned the first leg of his FRI with a 179.1 and 2nd place under judge Shannon Nieuwkoop in Seabeck WA 2010-04-17
Luigi du Dantero - SW Regional Champ - Huge congratulations to Luigi and David for winning the 2010 SW Regional Championships. Luigi was SchIII Champion and HIT Obedience 93-99-95p (287). Judges Elmar Mannes and Willie Pope Jr. 2010-03-28
Decadence du Dantero - FGDCH - Deb and Deca earned the Flyball Grand Champion award, for earning over 30,000 points. 2010-03-28
Rodent of Unusual Size du Dantero - Brevet - Rous earned his FR Brevet with 84 points under judge Richard Bonilla at the West Coast Ring Club 2010-03-21
Nexxus to E du Dantero - TF, TF-I, TF-II - Nexxus earned her TF, TF-I and TF-II titles at her first full tournament (she's run singles and done recalls before) hosted by Lickety Splits in Ramona CA 2010-03-20

Nexxus to E du Dantero - HTDIIs - Nexxus earned both legs of her HTDIIs, the first leg under Richard Godfrey 70/90 and the second leg under judge Cathy Modica 86/90 at the KBTCSC trial for a placement in her level. 2010-02-27
Lestat du Dantero - CD - Danni and Lestat earned the CD in 3 straight shows (Sat, Sun, Mon) with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishes. Lestat also picked up a Rally Novice leg. 2010-02-16
Onya du Dantero - NW1 - Onya earned her NW1 title through the National Association of Canine Scent Work earning the Top Interior Building Search score and 2nd place overall out of 30 dogs in her level. 2009-11-08
Overdrive du Dantero - TT - Surge earned his TT from the ATTS 2009-11-08
Havok du Dantero - FRI - Havok finished his FRI title at the 2009 NARA Championships, taking 2nd place in the FRI Cup and 3rd place in the FRI Championships. Judge: Camille Tisserand Decoys: Manuel Montero and Waleed Maalouf 2009-11-08
Marilyn - MRII - Marilyn earned her MRII, she is actively training/trialing for MR in Russia 2009-11-01
N'Ares du Dantero - Brevet - Aires earned his FR Brevet under judge Luigi Ricci at the CRA Championships in Langley BC Canada and is the Brevet 2009 Canada Cup winner. 2009-10-18
N'Ares du Dantero - CSAU - Aires earned his CSAU, with Excellent ratings in every category, under judge Luigi Ricci at the CRA Championships in Langley BC Canada 2009-10-16
Rodent of Unusual Size du Dantero - CSAU - Rous earned his CSAU with an excellent rating at the CRA Championships 2009-10-15
Meldrim's Halligan du Dantero - FRI - Matt and Halligan are the new 2009 EZ FRI Regional Champions under judge Philippe Touy (France). 2009-10-03
Nexxus to E du Dantero - RLF1 - Nexxus finished her RLF1 title under judge Richard Godfrey in Escondido CA with a score of 82.5/90 for 1st place in RLF1 and High in Trial over all levels. 2009-09-19

Decadence du Dantero - CL3-R - Deca has begun running in Canine Performance Events Agility trials and already earned her CL3-R (standard class, level 3) 2009-09-15
Meldrim's Halligan du Dantero - FRI - Halligan and Matt earned the second leg of their FRI under judge Jean-Yves Reguer at the NAWBA FR trial in Glenwood City, WI 2009-09-12
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - WorldCH - Bella and Todd won the 2009 Ashley Whippet Invitational World Championship, beating out over 80 teams for the title of World Champion. 2009-09-07
O'Boy Quil Coute Cher du Dantero - BH - Poe earned his BH under judge Glenn Stephenson 2009-09-06
N'Titan du Dantero - RN - Titan finished his RN at the Santa Barbara Kennel Club trials in Santa Barbara CA under Judge Ms. Judi A. James 2009-08-30
Onya du Dantero - ORT - Onya passed her Odor Recognition Test for the NACSW 2009-08-09
D'Rica de Monte Grande - FR Brevet - Rica and Cary passed their CSAU (French temperament test) and FR Brevet with 95/100 and a tie for 3rd place under judge Richard Bonilla in Riverside CA. Host club So Cal All Breed Ringers 2009-07-11
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - PIDC - Bella, AKA Big Air Bella, and Todd have done it again, taking first place at the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge in the freestyle flying disc event. 2009-06-13
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HRDIs - Nexxus earned the second leg of her HRDIs and the title under judge Terry Parrish in Escondid CA 2009-05-17
Meldrim's Halligan du Dantero - FRI - Halligan passed his first FRI leg with a score of 172.5 under judge Luigi Ricci 2009-05-16
Dantero's BB - BH - BB earned his BH under SV Judge Helmet Konig from Germany 2009-05-16

Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - FRIII - Mac earned the first leg of his FRIII title with a score of 334/400. He got a 0 on the guard of object (just couldn't wait that long for a bite) which could have put him in the mid/upper 360s. Next time. Judge: Rick Maples Club: BARC Ryde, CA 2009-04-25
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - FDDO CH - Bella, AKA Big Air Bella, and Todd swept the Professional division at the FDDO taking 1st in Obstacle Coarse, 1st in Speed Disc, 1st in Freestyle and 3rd in Distance to become the 2009 FDDO Champions 2009-04-19
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRIII - Chaos passed the second leg of her FRIII to complete the title with a score of 324 and some change. Her jumps were some of the best she's done (50/60 possible points) and the obedience was almost perfect, but she had some problems in the bitework with scoops by the decoys (it's hard when you are little and get tunnel vision on the legs) which resulted in some large points lost. Judge Richard Bonilla SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-03-28
Peron du Dantero - CSAU - Peron passed the Certificat de Sociabilité et d'Aptitude à l'Utilisation (CSAU) a French temperament test that involves basic obedience, sociability and noise/environmental testing. Judge Richard Bonilla SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-03-27
Pakita du Dantero - CSAU - Kita passed the Certificat de Sociabilité et d'Aptitude à l'Utilisation (CSAU) a French temperament test that involves basic obedience, sociability and noise/environmental testing with Excellent ratings on all portions of the test. Judge Richard Bonilla SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-03-27
Impact du Dantero - FR Brevet - Crash passed the Brevet with a score of 88.4 His protection work was almost perfect, but he had some problems with the heeling exercises, zeroing one and loosing some points on the other. Judge Richard Bonilla SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-03-27
Havok du Dantero - FRI - Havok passed the FRI with a score of 165 and some change. He had 2 large point losses, he ate the food on the food refusal (-10) and he did an out/recall instead of an out/guard on the attack with gun (-10) Judge Richard Bonilla SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-03-27
Luigi du Dantero - SW Regional Champ - Huge congratulations to Luigi and David for winning the 2009 SW Regional Championships. Luigi was SchIII Champion, HIT Obedience and HIT Protection 94-96-96p (286). Judges Carla Griffith and Glenn Stephenson 2009-02-08
Nico van Arek - Congratulations to Draco 2009 SW Regional SchIII Vice Champion 2009-02-07
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRIII - Chaos earned the first let of her FRIII under judge Philippe Touy in Riverside CA, trial hosted by SCABR 2009-02-01
Mattole Valley's Evening Echo - FRI - Echo finished his FRI with a score of 163.7 under judge Philippe Touy in Riverside CA Trial hosted by So Cal All Breed Ringers 2009-02-01

Havok du Dantero - CSAU - Havok passed the Certificat de Sociabilité et d'Aptitude à l'Utilisation (CSAU) a temperament test that involves basic obedience, sociability and noise/environmental testing with Excellent ratings on all portions of the test. Judge Philippe Touy SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-01-30
Flip de las Torres de Luar - CSAU - Flip passed the Certificat de Sociabilité et d'Aptitude à l'Utilisation (CSAU) a French temperament test that involves basic obedience, sociability and noise/environmental testing with Excellent ratings, and a Good on the long down (she moved a little). Judge Philippe Touy SCABR Riverside, CA 2009-01-30
Havok du Dantero - RN - Havok earned his third and final RN leg with a score of 99/100 and a first place, San Bernandino CA Judge: Mr. C. Z. Pat Alvarez 2009-01-25
Lestat du Dantero - BH - Lestat earned his BH under judge Nathaniel Roque at the So Cal Working Dog Assoc Sch trial in Escondido CA 2009-01-03
Luigi du Dantero - SchIII - Luigi and David repeated the SchIII at the So Cal Working Dog Assoc trial under judge N. Roque. 98-94-91 (HIT tracking, HIT obed and HIT overall) 2009-01-03
Lynxiene du Dantero - BH - Lynx and Corina passed the BH at the Orange County Schutzhund Club under judge Ernest Hintz 2008-11-22
Kellen's Bell - TFE - Bella earned her TFE at the Leap of Faith Fall Tournament in Madera CA 2008-11-09
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - AWI Champ - Todd and Bella have done it again, 7th place in the 2008 Ashley Whippet Invitational World Championships. What a way to end the year, with a top 10 placement at a World Championships. Here's looking forward to 2009. 2008-11-05
Dantero's Red River Rapids - RN - Chaos earned her RN in 3 straight trials with a perfect 100 in the second trial (2nd place based on time) and a 97 and first place win in the 3rd trial. 2008-10-18
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - GSDD Champ - Todd and Bella do it again, Golden State Disc Dog Champion and Best in the West at the 8th Annual Crusty Classic/Golden State Disc Dog Championship held at Robertson Park in Livermore 2008-10-18
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - TT - Fawkes earned his TT through the ATTS at the Canine Olympic Games at Purina Farms 2008-10-13

Havok du Dantero - PT - It was a bit of a wild ride, with one judge commenting "you have a Camaro, are you ready to drive a Camaro" LOL But Havok earned his PT in one weekend with comments about what a nice, and powerful, dog he is. 2008-10-12
Bomber of Red River - CRA FRIII CH - Vince and Bomber (Raptor x Nature) are the 2008 Canadian Ring Associations FRIII Champions Judge: Jean Claude Bouterige Decoys: Eric Issarte (France Level II) and Alvaro Olvera (Mexico Level II) 2008-10-12
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HSAs - Nexxus earned the last leg of her HSAs under judge Katherine Spence in Escondido CA. She tied for 3rd but the tie breaker (cross drive score) pushed her down into 4th. 2008-10-11
Luigi du Dantero - Luigi and David competed in their first national level event, the 2008 AWMA Championships. They scored 83-86-96 265, and were awarded the award for Crowds Favorite. 2008-09-28
Nexxus to E du Dantero - CGC - Nexxus earned her CGC in style at the WPTCA 2008 National Championships. Although she understands down/stay, we have never done an out of sight one. I left her on one, thinking it would hold until I got out of sight then she'd get up and hang out with the evaluator, 3 minutes later when I cam back, she was still doing her down/stay. 🙂 2008-09-20
Calice du Dantero - Cali took 1st place alternate breed, and second place overall, in novice agility at the 2008 WPTCA National Championship. Judge Annetta Cheek The next day she took 1st place alternate breed in Open Obedience, also going HIT Obedience for all breeds, both novice and open. Judge Robert Wademan. Points for the weekend were accumulated based on how many events you entered, and how you placed in those events. At the end of the weekend Cali was HIT Alternate Breed for the 2008 WPTCA National Championship. 2008-09-20
Onya du Dantero - CGC - Onya earned her CGC in Los Angeles 2008-09-16
Havok du Dantero - HCTs - Havok earned both legs of his HCTs at the IEHDA trial in Perris CA under judges Jerry Stoner and Anna Guthrie 2008-09-14
Decadence du Dantero - ONYX - After a weekend of racing, and over 1200 points, Deca earned her ONYX, a major accomplishment in flyball. She is the 20th Malinois to earn this. 2008-09-08
Lestat du Dantero - FD, FDX, FdCH - In one day of racing Lestat earned his FD, FDX and FdCH at the INXS touranment in Rohr Park, Chula Vista CA 2008-09-06
Calice du Dantero - FdCH-G - Cali earned her FdCH-G at the INXS touranment in Rohr Park, Chula Vista CA 2008-09-06

Decadence du Dantero - RA - Deca earned her RA in 3 straight shows over one weekend. 2008-07-20
Meldrim's Halligan du Dantero - FR Brevet - Halligan passed his Brevet with a score of 90.6 and a comment from the judge "Halligan is a good dog with a bad handler". Of course we know the truth, he's a good handler, just inexperienced. LOL Judge: Michel Bortoluzzi Club: Renaissance Ring 2008-07-19
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - US Disc Dogs West Coast Nationals, Chula Vista, CA Bella AKA "Big Air Bella" competed with Somer, Todd's 11 year old niece who never threw a frisbee before, and placed 1st in the Junior Toss/Fetch! Way to go Somer and Bella!!! 2008-07-13
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - US Disc Dogs West Coast Nationals, Chula Vista, CA Todd and Bella placed 1st in the Super Open Overall!!! They qualified for the USDDN International Super Open in Georgia. 2008-07-12
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - US Disc Dogs West Coast Nationals, Chula Vista, CA Michele and Bella AKA "Big Air Bella" placed 3rd in the Intermediate Toss/Fetch. Todd and Bella placed 1st in the Super Open Toss/Fetch. 2008-07-11
Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - FRII - Mac earned the second leg of his FRII with a score of 282.6. After 3 days of being in the 100+ (100-106) degree weather, he managed to keep it together long enough to compete and walk away with High in Trial FRII. Judge was Hector Dulac, Riverside CA. 2008-07-05
Bomber of Red River - FRIII - Vince and Bomber took another High in Trial FRIII with a score of 342.65 at the NorthWest Suitman FR Trial in Seabeck, WA. Judge: Rick Maples 2008-07-05
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - 2008 UFO Major La Mirada, CA Longshot - Todd and Bella finished in 2nd place with a long catch of 56 meters. 2008-06-28
Luigi du Dantero - Luigi and David took 1st place at the 2008 DogStock Protection Tournament hosted by the Placer County Schutzhund Club. 2008-06-21
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - 2008 UFO Major World Cup Series La Mirada, CA - Todd and Bella placed 3rd overall and earned a spot in the World Cup in Daytona Beach. 2008-06-21
Ordre du Phenix du Dantero - CGC - At just a little over a year old, Fawkes earned his CGC, with multiple comments on what a solid temperament he has. 2008-05-27

Dantero's Red River Rapids - RN - Perfect Score - Chaos earned her second RN leg, with a perfect 100 point score. Venue - Mission Cicuit, Pomona CA Judge: Mr. C. Z. Pat Alvarez 2008-05-25
K'Dakar du Dantero - FdCH-G - Dakar finished his FdCH-G (Flyball Dog Champion Gold) title 2008-05-18
Fonz Snitch du Dantero - RA/RE - Snitch earned his last RA leg and all 3 RE legs with 2 1st place scores. He also earned his CGC. 2008-05-11
Nico van Arek - SchIII - Draco, the “honorary” Dantero dog (Lory son), earned his SchH3 with a 90-94-92 under USA Judge Craig Groh. 2008-05-10
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - DiscDogs - 2008 Skyhoundz Hyperflite Local Championship Fountain Valley - Local Fountain Valley, CA Bella and Todd placed 1st in the Open Freestyle Division. 2008-05-10
Makin Mayhem du Dantero - FR Brevet/FRI - Mako and Sam passed both the FR Brevet (92/2nd place) and the first leg of their FRI (162) at the West Coast Ring Club trial in Canada. Not bad considering they were still teaching some of the FRI exercises in the seminar before the trail 🙂 Judge: Rick Maples 2008-04-27
Fonz Snitch du Dantero - RN - Snitch earned his second and third legs of the RN with 3rd and 1st place finishes, to finish the title. 2008-04-13
Calice du Dantero - PSA1 - Cali earned her PSA1 with a second place finish in Phoenix AZ. Judge was Robert Wademan. 2 of the 4 protection exercises were with "highest distinction". 2008-03-16
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - Bella (AKA Big Air Bella) and Todd competed in the Open Division (One round of Freestyle and one round of Distance/Accuracy) at the 2008 Skyhoundz Hyperflite Local Championship and walked (flew?) away with 3rd place. Bella and Michelle competed in the Intermediate Division (Two rounds of Distance/Accuracy) and earned a 10th place (28 total competitors). 2008-03-15
K'Dakar du Dantero - TF-I, TF-II - Tuff earned his TF-I and TF-II in a weekend of racing at the Leap of Faith Spring Tournament 2008-03-15
Ignito du Dantero - SchI - Neo's handler decided to throw him in a Sch trial, "just to see" and they walked away with a new SchI title and comments on what a nice dog he is :-). 2008-03-08

Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - FRII - Mac earned the first leg of his FRII, with a 3rd place finish. He barely passed with a 240.5/300, but actually turned in a pretty good performance. However he anticipated the jump command on the palisade (-10) and during the retrieve he briefly touched a raw chicken drumstick (his retrieve object is white also) for -20. Host club was SCABR, judge was Richard Bonilla. And yes, although he was quiet during open field the day before, he did bark through the entire FRII routine. 2008-02-23
Luigi du Dantero - SchIII - David and Luigi earned their SchIII at the Southwestern Regional Championships, earning a score of 90-80-94p (264) 2008-02-10
Decadence du Dantero - RN - Deb and Deca finished their RN title with a score of 99+ out of 100 on their final leg. 2008-02-09
Luigi du Dantero - SchII - Luigi and David earned the SchII titled with a score of 75-94-80p and HIT obedience. Unfortunately the weeks prior to the trial were spent preparing for dirt tracking (as advertised) only to find out on trial day it had been switched to grass. And in protection Luigi just didn't want to let go, although he did, eventually. But they passed, on to SchIII. Judge: Ludger Vortkamp Helper: John Riboni Host Club: Channel Islands Sch Club 2007-12-15
K'Dakar du Dantero - FDCH-S - Dakar earned his FDCH-S (Flyball Dog Champion Silver) title 2007-11-24
Mattole Valley's Evening Echo - FR Brevet - Echo earned his FR Brevet with a 98.9 and High in trial under judge Roger Goron at the BARC trial. 2007-10-20
Nexxus to E du Dantero - PT - Nexxus finished her PT in one weekend at the HBSCDC & GSDCSDS trials. Judges were Marie-Paule Gherardi & Rochelle Stanford 2007-10-07
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - Bella (AKA Big Air Bella) compete in the Crusty Classic/Golden State Championship DiscDog competition in Lancaster CA. In the Novice division on Saturday with Michele, she took 1st place in the Toss and Fetch. In the Int Freestyle division Bella and Todd took 2nd place. On Sunday Bella and Michele took 2nd in the Novice T&F and 1st in the Int Freestyle with Todd. 2007-10-07
Neko du Dantero - K9 - At just 11 months of age Neko took and passed the CA POST certification for working police dogs (patrol). 2007-10-06
Calice du Dantero - HIAs - Cali passed the final leg of her HIAs with a score of 93 points, first place in intermediate and HIT Malinois. 2007-10-06
Decadence du Dantero - CD - Deca passed the third leg of her CD with a 189 1/2. On to CDX. 2007-10-06

Camano's Fenrizo du Dantero - BH - Sandi and Rizo repeated the BH, and passed again. With a much cleaner run, practice makes perfect. The judge was Willy Pope. 2007-10-06
Ignito du Dantero - CGC - Neo got his CGC at Bark in the Park in California. 2007-10-06
Calice du Dantero - TFE-I - Cali earned her TFE-I in Ramona CA at the Lickety Splits tournament. 2007-09-30
Bomber of Red River - FRIII CIC Comp. - Bomber and Vince went to France and competed in the 2007 Coupe Intercontinentale de Ring Français in FRIII. 2007-09-29
Decadence du Dantero - FMX - Deca earned her FMX (Flyball Master Excellent) title this weekend. Her team had an excellent weekend, racking up over 1400 points in one weekend of racing. 2007-09-24
Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - FRI - Mac earned the second leg of his FRI with a score of 179.6 in Banning CA with judge Yvon Prigent. 2007-09-22
Camano's Fenrizo du Dantero - BH - Rizo earned his BH in Portland OR at the Willamete Valley Sch club trial. Judge Jürgen Wodtke 2007-09-22
Luigi du Dantero - SchI - Luigi and David earned the SchI with excellent scores. 95-91-96p and High Protection. The host clubs were SCWDA/NCSC, judge Jim Elder 2007-09-22
Dantero's Zoey - FDCh - Zoey earned her FDCh (Flyball Dog Champion) title 2007-09-08
N'Sophie du Dantero - CGC - Sophie earned her CGC 2007-08-15
Lava du Dantero - Lava competed in a Skyhoundz Distance/Accuracy (toss and fetch) competition, coming in 4th out of 35 dogs. 2007-07-28

N^ Jazzy-Girl Dantero - CGC - Jazz earned her CGC in Hooksett, NH 2007-07-21
Bomber of Red River - FRIII - Bomber earned his highest score so far at FRIII, 378.4, under judge Rick Maples in Seabeck WA. 2007-07-14
Dantero's Zoey - TF-III - Zoey ran in her second U-FLI tournament on a pickup team, and earned enough points for her TF-III 2007-07-07
M'Bella De Naturaleza du Dantero - Bella AKA "Big Air Bella" and Todd took 2nd place in the Novice Toss and Fetch at the US Disc Dog West Coast Nationals in Del Mar CA. Michele and Bella came in 8th in the same class. The next day Todd and Bella also came in 8th in the Open class and Michelle and Bella placed 7th in Nov T&F 2007-07-06
Luigi du Dantero - BH - Luigi earned his Sch BH at the San Diego Diensthund Club under judge Craig Groh. 2007-06-30
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRII - It wasn't pretty, Chaos only had a couple of weeks work after having her pups, and 100+ degree weather in Utah didn't help, but Chaos passed the second leg of her FRII title with a 241.5 She lost a LOT of points in the jumps, but more than made up for it in her protection with a 30/30 Face, Defense and Gun Attack and 28/30 Flee. She wasn't quite as good in her escort for the blind search LOL 2007-06-23
Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - FRI - Mac earned the first leg of his FRI, with a 2nd place. Not as much style (ie control) as in the Brevet, and his score of 180 shows it, but he kept it together, mainly loosing points for creeping at the line of departure on the protection exercises, and nickel/dime points elsewhere. His handler lost a couple also, for dropping the retrieve object. 2007-06-23
Dantero's Zoey - FD/FDX - Zoey earned her FD and FDX titles at a NAFA tournament. She's running 5.2-5.4 (jumps are higher than UFLI) and can still tighten up her passes. 2007-06-03
Calice du Dantero - HRDI-s - Cali earned the second leg of her HRDI-s title with an 86.5/90 and a comment from the judge that she did an exceptional job and a couple of handler decisions are what kept her out of the ribbons. Darn handler. 2007-06-03
Dantero's Red River Rapids - HCT-s - Chaos earned both legs of her HCT-s with style, and many comments from the judges about how talented she is. 2007-06-03
Nexxus to E du Dantero - HCT-s - After 4 herding lessons, Nexxus earned both legs of her HCT-s. She still needs to work on her stop/recall but she passed with no problems. 2007-06-03

Lynxiene du Dantero - RN - Lynxie earned her RN title, passing her 3rd leg 2007-05-27
Bomber of Red River - COA FRIII Champ - Bomber won the Cup Of Americas with a score of 321.93 under judge Luigi Ricci in Surrey, BC 2007-05-12
Alonzo De La Mancha - SchI - Charles and Alonzo earned their SchI 84, 96, 94P = 274 at the Upper Bucks Sch Club trial under judge Johann Wipplinger, with HIT Obedience. 2007-04-29
Havok du Dantero - FR Brevet - Havok earned his FR Brevet at the 2007 Western Zone Selectifs under judge Pepe Camarena in Marysville CA. 80.5 points and 3rd place. He wasn't really ready to trial, but we were there, and Mac was injured, so I figured why not give it a shot. We have things to proof, but he passed and will be back out there in a few months trialing for the FRI. 2007-04-28
Bomber of Red River - WZ Selectifs FR3 CH - Bomber (bred by M. Barger, from Raptor x Nature) took first place in the NARA Western Zone selectifs with a score of 334. 2007-04-28
Calice du Dantero - Cali earned another Q leg towards her HIA-s with a first place (88pts) under judge A M Guthrie in Escondio CA 2007-04-22
K'Dakar du Dantero - FDX/FDCH - Dakar earned his FDX on 04/21/07 and the FDCH the next day 2007-04-22
Calice du Dantero - Cali earned the first legs of her HSA-c and HIA-s with a 3rd place finish on cattle and a first place finish on sheep. This was the 3rd time she'd ever worked cattle in her life. HSA-c judge G Jeffers, HIA-s judge T Kenney. The trial was in Escondido CA. 2007-04-21
Lucius du Dantero - BH - Lucius earned his BH in style under judge Ernest Hintz in Bakersfield CA. 2007-04-16
Nico van Arek - SchI - Draco is not a "Dantero Dog" but he is an honorary one, as one of Lory's sons. Draco earned his SchHI taking High in Trial, High SchHI, High Obedience, High Protection, and High HOT under judge Ernest Hintz in Bakersfield CA. 2007-04-16
Decadence du Dantero - FM - Deca earned her FM (flyball master) title during a weekend tournament. She's running consistent 4.2's in the start position. 2007-04-02

Calice du Dantero - TFE - Cali earned her Top Flight Executive. 2007-04-01
Dantero's Zoey - TF-II - Zoey ran all weekend in a flyball tournament, her first one, and finished the weekend with a TF-II She just kept getting more reliable as the weekend went on, and is definitely starting to understand the competition side of the game. 2007-04-01
Ailza du Dantero - RE - Ailza finished her RE (Rally Excellent) title with a 1st Place in her class. 2007-04-01
Dantero's Zoey - TF - Zoey ran in her first tournament and earned her first flyball title, the TF. 2007-03-31
Decadence du Dantero - RL-1 - Deca trialed in Rally (APDT) for the first time, and earned her RL-1 title. Out of a possible score of 210 Deca got a 199, 203, 205, and a 207. 2007-03-25
K'Dakar du Dantero - TF - Dakar earned his TF title (Top Flight) and is only 5 points from the TF-I 2007-03-17
Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - FR Brevet - Mac earned his FR Brevet with a score of 98.3 and High in Trial under Pepe Camarena in Riverside CA at the SCABR club trial. The total Brevet entry was 14 dogs, one of the largest Brevet entries in NARA History. 2007-03-03
Ignito du Dantero - BH - Earned his BH under judge Jim Elder at a trial hosted by Der Hundesport Performance Klub 2007-02-03
Dantero's A Bit of E Divinty - #2 Belgian Malinois 2006 - Front & Finish Jumpers with Weaves Novice B Ratings 2007-01-01
Decadence du Dantero - TG-E/EGC/FDCH-G - Deca finished 2006 in style by finishing her TG-E, EGC, and FDCH-G titles. 2006-12-25
Deja Vu du Dantero - CGC - JaJa and Kadi passed the CGC at a CGC/WPTCA BST in Long Beach CA 2006-11-25

Dantero's Red River Rapids - CGC - Chaos passed her CGC at a CGC/WPTCA BST in Long Beach CA 2006-11-25
Dantero's Mac de Dubois/Vassiliev des Contes d'Hoffmann - CGC - Mac passed his CGC at a CGC/WPTCA BST in Long Beach CA 2006-11-25
Havok du Dantero - CGC - Havoc passed his CGC at a CGC/WPTCA BST in Long Beach CA 2006-11-25
Calice du Dantero - It's been a little while in coming, because I've had a really hard time finding a trial that didn't conflict with something else, but Cali finally earned the last leg of her HSA-s today, with another HIT. She did it in 3 straight legs, all of them HIT's. 2006-11-18
Calice du Dantero - CGC - Cali passed her CGC at an all breed fun Match in Aletena CA. 2006-11-12
Impact du Dantero - CGC - Crash passed his CGC at an all breed fun Match in Aletena CA. 2006-11-12
I'Lefty du Dantero - CGC - Lefty passed his CGC, handled by his owner Jeff, at an all breed fun Match in Aletena CA. 2006-11-12
Jean Luc du Dantero - BH - Luke earned his BH on Nov 4, 2006 in the Quad Cities with a German judge, Jakob Meyers. 2006-11-04
Lynxiene du Dantero - Lynx and Corina earned the first two legs on their RN title. 2006-10-22
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRII - Chaos earned the first leg of her FRII at the 2006 NARA Championships. She had a few problems in obedience and jumps (she's never done THAT before) but pulled it together in protection for 30/30 - face, 30/30 - defense, 30/30 flee, 29/30 attack with gun, 27/40 search and escort (got a little dirty here) for a total of 250.8 and a 4th place finish. 3rd place was 251.4. Thanks go to Mark Saccoccio for all the work he put into getting Chaos ready for this trial. 2006-10-08
H'Zeus du Dantero - BH - Zeus passed his BH under judge Jim Elder in Ventura CA at the Anacapa Sch club trial. 2006-09-22

K'Dakar du Dantero - Dakar won the Open Finals in his first Splash Dog competition with a jump of 20.04 His best jump was 20.10 during the semi-finals. 2006-09-09
God Of Mischief du Dantero - FRI - Loki finished his FRI title with a score of 179.65 at the CRA Championships. He ate the food, for a 10 pt loss, or would have been working on a 190. 2006-09-03
Bomber of Red River - FRIII CRA Champion - Bomber won the won the 2006 FRIII CRA Championships 2006-09-03
Decadence du Dantero - AXJ/FDCH-s - Congrats to Deca for finishing her Agility Excellent Jumpers (AXJ) and the Flyball Dog Champion - silver (FDCH-s) 2006-07-15
Calice du Dantero - TF-III - Cali ran in the Wags for Wishes flyball tournament and earned enough points to finish the TF-III title. 2006-07-06
Deja Vu du Dantero - FR Brevet (HIT) - JaJa and her handler Mark Saccoccio ventured into French Ring (Mark's first time) and passed the Brevet in style, with a HIT. 2006-07-01
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRI - Chaos finished her FRI with a second place finish under judge Rick Maples. She trialed for her FRII, but did not find the decoy on the blind search (-40) so was unable to earn a passing score. 2006-07-01
Calice du Dantero - HTDI-s (RHIT) - Cali earned both her HTD I-s legs in one day to earn the HTD I-s title. Each run was 87/90. In the first trial she tied for RHIT (Reserve High in Trial) but the tie breaker is the level you trialed at, so the RHIT went to the other dog. In the second trial she tied for HIT. Once again the tie breaker is the level, so she was awarded the RHIT. 2006-06-25
Decadence du Dantero - Deca was 4 for 6 this weekend and got 53 MACH points just this weekend. She now has 5 MX legs and 4 MXJ legs AND she got her first DOUBLE Q this weekend! 2006-06-04
Calice du Dantero - FDCh-s - Cali earned her FDCh-s (flyball dog champion silver) title. She's running consistently 4.1-4.2 and getting start times of .0x on a regular basis, with her best start times this weekend being a .005 and .003 2006-06-03
Camano's F Strider du Dantero - OAJ - Strider finished his OAJ (open agility jumpers) 2006-06-01

Calice du Dantero - Cali earned the first leg of her HRDI-s with 83/90 in Perris CA. 2006-05-14
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRI - Chaos earned the first leg of her FRI on April 29, 2006 under judge Roger Goron, with a score of 184, taking High in Trial FRI in a field of 11 entries. She missed two positions (took them on the second command) for -6, lost 2 points in her palisade (took two commands for the return jump) and one point in the retrieve (chewing). The rest of the points were lost in bitework (slow to out and some distance in an escape). 2006-04-29
Bomber of Red River - FRIII - Bomber and Vince passed the second leg of their FRIII with a score of 339.08 under judge Dominique Piton at the Predators FR trial in Abbotsford Canada. 2006-04-09
God Of Mischief du Dantero - FRI - Loki passed the FRI again with a score of 166.4 under judge Dominique Piton at the Predators FR trial in Abbotsford Canada. Unfortunately this leg doesn't count as the second leg for his FRI title since both scores were earned under the same judge. 2006-04-09
Calice du Dantero - FDCh - Cali earned her FDCh (Flyball Dog Champion) title in Chula Vista CA on 4/8/06 She's turning in times of 4.2-4.3 now on a consistent basis, with her fastest time being 4.1 2006-04-08
Igo Sawney Rath Du Dantero - FR Brevet (HIT) - Sawney & Bobby Stormer earned the FR Brevet with a score of 97.3 (HIT) under judge Dominque Piton in Abbotsford, BC, CANADA 2006-04-02
God Of Mischief du Dantero - FRI - Loki & owner/handler Stacy Northey earned the first leg of the FRI with a score of 182.5 (HIT) under judge Dominque Piton in Abbotsford, BC, CANADA 2006-04-02
Ailza du Dantero - RA/NAP - Finished the Rally Advanced (RA) and Novice Agility Preferred (NAP) titles 2006-04-01
Cano du Dantero - AD - Congrats to Cano du Dantero and her handler Chris, on earning her AD. They both did the 12 miles in style 🙂 2006-03-25
Moisin du Vashon - Moisin du Vashon trialed for his FRII with his owner/handler Elaine in Puerto Rico. He didn't pass, control issues (the story of Moisin's career LOL) and has now been retired. He'll continue to punish, I mean play with, decoys though in his "old age" 2006-03-25
Deja Vu du Dantero - SchIII - Mark Saccoccio and JaJa did it again, completing her SchIII title at the USA 2006 SW Regionals in Bakersfield CA with scores of 78/84/90p. JaJa went from BH to SchIII with passing scores at every trial, with HIT SchI and SchII along the way. 2006-03-12

Calice du Dantero - CD - Feb 26, 2006 Cali earned the last leg of her CD, with a second place finish. 2006-02-26
Deja Vu du Dantero - SchII - Earned her SchII (HIT) Feb 11 2006 in Acton CA with her new handler Mark Saccoccio. This was Mark's first Sch trial ever, and I believe his first competition in any venue ever. She earned a score of 81/77/95p, second highest protection score in the trial. In tracking she false indicated (there was a piece of blue plastic in a footstep on the track) then missed the real article which was 5 paces after the incorrect one, for -14 pts. In Obed she had retrieving on the brain and kept wanting to go check out the dumbell stand, during the send away, a retrieve (I like this other one better LOL), etc. A handler error also cost her the long down. 2006-02-11
Ailza du Dantero - CDX/RN - finished her CDX and RN, and has two legs on the RA 2006-02-01
Calice du Dantero - HSA-s HIT - Jan 29, 2006 Cali did it again. Another qualifying score for HSA-s, with first place in the Started class, High in Trial Course A, and High Scoring Malinois. 2006-01-29
Calice du Dantero - HSA-s HIT - Jan 28, 2006 Cali made her debu in the AKC Herding arena, Herding Started Course A with sheep. She turned in a good run, and earned not only the Qualifying score for her first leg of HSA-s, but first place in the Started group. And her score was good enough to earn her High in Trial Course A, and High Scoring Malinois. 2006-01-28
Calice du Dantero - FDX - Cali earned her FDX on 1/21/06. She is consistently turning in times under 4.5 seconds, with her average being 4.3-4.4 2006-01-21
Camano's F Strider du Dantero - Has earned two legs on his OAJ 2005-12-31
Decadence du Dantero - Finished up 2005 by earning 2 qualifying MX legs, and 37 points towards the MACH 2005-12-31
Calice du Dantero - Dec 18th, 2005 Cali did it again, 2 for 2. This time though she Q'd for her second leg of the CD, with a 2nd place finish. 2005-12-18
Calice du Dantero - Dec 17th, 2005 Cali made her debu in the AKC Obedience ring, in the Novice A (CD) class. She Q'd for her first leg of the CD, with a 3rd place finish. 2005-12-17
Decadence du Dantero - Deca earned her first two AXJ legs in the 20 inch division with a 1st and 2nd place win as well as her first MX leg with a 4th place win. Not only did she give the BC's a run for their money, she beat quite a few of them 🙂 2005-12-01

Calice du Dantero - FD - Cali ran in her first NAFA tournament, and earned enough points for the FD. She also had her best start time so far, 0.007 2005-11-01
Deja Vu du Dantero - 1st place in the Mad Dog Protection Tournaments Hardest Hitting competition. It was a tie for first between Cali and JaJa, JaJa won in the run off. This was the same tournament where Cali broke her jaw, so JaJa must have hit HARD. 2005-09-10
Calice du Dantero - TF-I/TF-II - August 20, 2005 - With just a few more lessons under her collar, Cali attended her second flyball tournament. She ran as the start dog turning in multiple start times of 0.01 and 0.02, and earned enough points for the TF-I and TF-II. 2005-08-20
Dantero's A Bit of E Divinty - NAJ - earned her NAJ 2005-08-01
Hemi Powered du Dantero - Dodger already has his first apprehension, at less than 1.5 years old. He stopped a highly combative LARGE man who was attempting to get a weapon (an ax) and attack his handler. 2005-08-01
Bomber of Red River - FRIII - earned his first qualifying FRIII score under judge Michael Chirat. Bomber is from the Raptor x Nature litter 2005-07-31
God Of Mischief du Dantero - FR Brevet - Loki earned his FR Brevet under judge Michael Chirat. He trailed for his FRI but broke the line on one protection exercise, costing him enough points to make the difference between a pass and a fail. Next time 🙂 2005-07-29
Calice du Dantero - TF - July 10, 2005 - After only 2 classes in flyball, Cali attended her first tournament, just to do some recalls and get used to the environment. Due to injuries and other problems, the team needed more dogs and we entered Cali. She ran 9 races, 3 legs each, with only 1 mistake. And earned enough points for her first flyball title, Top Fight (TF) 2005-07-10
Hemi Powered du Dantero - K9 - dual certified - At just over 14 months Dodger dual certified as a police K9, in both patrol and narcotics. He now holds the record for completing the search (narcotics) portion of the test in the fastest time. 2005-07-01
Calice du Dantero - April 3, 2005 Arizona Working Dog Competition - Cali took third place, with the second highest obedience score in her division. The trial was held in Gilbert, AZ and was a fund raiser for the Arizona Police K9 Memorial, hosted by Greg Thomas and the Superstition working dog club. 2005-04-03
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FR Brevet - FR Brevet on March 19, 2005 in Banning, CA with a 3rd place finish. She missed 2nd place by 0.5 pts. Judge was Roger Goron from France. 2005-03-19

Du Dantero's Herr Odin - Has earned 6 SG-1 ratings (highest a puppy can earn), each with a BA notation, at IABCA shows and his first AKC point. Odin's on his way to earning the IABCA and AKC Championships. 2005-03-01
Camano's F Strider du Dantero - OA - Finished his OA (agility) title and has earned the first 2 legs on his CD. 2005-03-01
Ailza du Dantero - NAP - Second leg of her CDX, and she has earned her NAP title 2005-03-01
Dantero's Red River Rapids - 3rd Place in the Gold Coast K9 Working Dog Competition held in Ventura CA, Jan 30, 2005, handled by Brenda Aaro. Chaos tied for second in the beginner division, but the tie breaker was decided by which team had the high obedience score, giving her a third place finish out of 13 dogs. This was her first time on an actual trial field. 2005-01-30
Calice du Dantero - 2nd Place in the Gold Coast K9 Working Dog Competition held in Ventura CA, Jan 30, 2005 Cali actually tied for first in the intermediate division, but the tie breaker was decided by which team had the high obedience score, giving her a second place finish out of 14 dogs. 2005-01-30
Dantero's A Bit of E Divinty - competed in an agility trial Jan 8 2005 and Gizmo won her Novice Standard 20 inch class and qualified, her first leg attained! 2005-01-08
Decadence du Dantero - AX/OAJ/NAC/OJC/NTG - Finished up 2004 by finishing her AX, OAJ, NAC, OJC, NTG (agility) titles and the FDCH (flyball) title running consistently at 4.3-4.5 seconds 2004-12-31
Camano's F Strider du Dantero - NA/NAJ - Stryder du Dantero - completed his first agility titles in 2004 (NA NAJ), qualified in open standard 24 in with a 3rd place finish Jan 2005. 2004-12-31
Deja Vu du Dantero - SchI - Earned her SchI July 03 2004 under judge Nathaniel Roque in Escondido CA with Kadi handling her. HIT SchI with scores of 78/88/93p (look mom, there are squirrels on this track LOL). She was also second highest obedience and protection for the trial. 2004-07-03
Cano du Dantero - Sch Obed I - Earned her Sch Obed 1 2004-06-01
Decadence du Dantero - NA/NAJ - Earned her NA and NAJ (agility) titles, winning JWW classes with clean 18 second runs. 2004-06-01

Calice du Dantero - FRII (HIT) - Jan 30, 2004 FRII second leg, HIT, under judge Rick Maples in Fontana CA.
Cali also made NARA history becoming the first Breeder/HOT FRII female, and the first dog of either gender to earn both FRII legs in back to back trials on the same weekend. 2004-01-30
Calice du Dantero - FRII - Jan 29, 2004 FRII with a second place finish under judge Jean-Yves Reguer in Fontana CA 2004-01-29
Calice du Dantero - SchBH - Nov 2003 earned her SchBH under judge Ernest Heintz 2003-11-01
Calice du Dantero - FRI Vice Champion - October 10, 2003 NARA FRI Vice Champion with a score of 175.8 2003-10-10
High Country Storm - FR Brvt/CD/CDX/SchII - FR Brevet, AKC-CD (last leg was 198/HIT), UKC-CDX, UKC-AGII, NA, Sch II with 5 AKC/UKC HIT awards to date in obedience. Except for the Brevet all of this was done in the last 1.5-2 years. Foundation work in bitework (and the FR Brevet title), obedience, agility and tracking was done by me, the remainder of the work and titling was done by his new owners. 2003-06-30
Decadence du Dantero - June 6, 2003 Yahoo, NE Deca debuted in her very first NADAC Agility trial. She blazed the rings averaging 6 yps in her jumpers run, and not much less than that in her standard runs. Never missed a contact and never dropped a bar. She won her standard class, her jumpers class, and the touch and go class (all contacts and tunnels)....picking up perfect legs in all. Beating a number of BC's in the process 🙂 2003-06-06
Deja Vu du Dantero - BH - May 03, 2003 Earned her Sch BH under judge Doug Deacon 2003-05-03
Calice du Dantero - August 11, 2002 Earned the first leg of her JHDs in Graham, WA 2002-08-11
Caya du Dantero - July 13, 2002 Earned the first leg of his HCTs in Roy, WA 2002-07-13
Calice du Dantero - HCTs - July 13, 2002 Earned her HCTs in Roy, WA 2002-07-13
Diabolical du Dantero - HCTs - July 13, 2002 Earned his HCTs in Roy, WA 2002-07-13

De Rostafario du Dantero - HCTs - July 13, 2002 Earned her HCTs in Roy, WA 2002-07-13
Daring by Design du Dantero - July 13, 2002 Earned her first leg on her HCTs in Roy, WA 2002-07-13
Ailza du Dantero - First leg of her CDX 2002-06-01
Calice du Dantero - FRI - May 25, 2002 Earned her FRI under judge Rick Maples in Abbotsford BC, Canada. 2002-05-25
Decadence du Dantero - WB/Mjr - April '02 took WB for her first points, a 3 point major, owned/trained Deb Stiner 2002-04-01
Just Because I Wanna du Rez-la-Ville - Dec '01 on her passing CERF exam at 7 years of age 2001-12-01
Calice du Dantero - Nov '01 Entered an IPDL fun match, and placed in the top 3 for her scenarios 95% of the time. The majority of the time she took or tied for first and earned some money (5$ each entry, split between winner and decoys). Cali competed in the amateur scenarios, 2001-11-01
Link Des Ombres Valeureux - Nov '01 Entered an IPDL fun match in the professional level, and placed in the top 3 for his scenarios 95% of the time. The majority of the time he took or tied for first and earned some money (5$ each entry, split between winner and decoys). 2001-11-01
Lory de Chantepierre - Nov '01 Entered an IPDL fun match in the professional level, and placed in the top 3 for his scenarios 95% of the time. The majority of the time he took or tied for first and earned some money (5$ each entry, split between winner and decoys). 2001-11-01
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - Nov '01 Entered an IPDL fun match in the professional level, and placed in the top 3 for his scenarios 95% of the time. The majority of the time he took or tied for first and earned some money (5$ each entry, split between winner and decoys). 2001-11-01
Cano du Dantero - BH - Oct '01 Cano earned her Sch BH, owned/trained by Jill Haunold 2001-10-01

Henzo de la Ailzallerie - BH - June 24, '01 Enzo earned his Sch BH. Doesn't sound like a big accomplishment for a dog with his level of training, but considering he has always heeled on the right, recalled to a heel, etc it took quite a bit of re-training, and he did very well. 2001-06-24
Ailza du Dantero - FDCh - Ailza earned her Flyball Dog Champion (FDCh) title. 2001-06-03
Ailza du Dantero - FDX - Ailza earned her Flyball Dog Excellent (FDX) title owner handled by N Hansen. 2001-06-02
Calice du Dantero - June '01 Cali compete in her first ProSports trial ever. Unfortunately she didn't pass one scenario, knocking her out of the running for a placement. 2001-06-01
Link Des Ombres Valeureux - June '01 Link competed in his first ProSports trial ever with a respectable showing. 2001-06-01
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - June '01 Enzo competed in his first ProSports trial ever, with a respectable showing. He went after the 'crowd' (all suited decoys) on one scenario instead of the 'bad guy' (a single suited decoy) so didn't get enough points to pass. 2001-06-01
Lory de Chantepierre - 2001 Lory passed his CERF exam 2001-01-01
High Country Storm - FR Brevet - Dec '00 earned his FR Brevet with a second place score, under judge Theo Piekarek (France). Owned/trained by Kadi Thingvall. 2000-12-15
Ailza du Dantero - FD - Ailza earned her Flyball Dog (FD) title 2000-12-02
Calice du Dantero - Oct 14, 2000 Cali earned her first AKC points, going Best of Breed for a 3 point major. 2000-10-14
Lory de Chantepierre - BH - Oct 2000 Lory earned his Sch BH, handled by Glenn Stephenson 2000-10-01

Charismatic du Dantero - Can CH - finished her Canadian Championship in Sept 2000, and took a Group 4th. Handled by Judy R. 2000-09-01
Moisin du Vashon - FRI - FRI - it took a few attempts, but Moisin's control improved and he earned the first leg of his FRI under judge Rick Maples in Whidbey Island WA on Aug 26, 2000 Owned/trained by George V. 2000-08-26
Pompie du Vashon - FRI - FRI - what can be said about Moisin can be said about Tiller, but he earned the first leg of his FRI under judge Rick Maples in Whidbey Island WA on Aug 26, 2000 Owned/trained by Scott C. 2000-08-26
Calice du Dantero - FR Brevet - FR Brevet Aug 26, 2000 under judge Rick Maples in Whidbey Island WA with an 87.6, high in trial. She also recieved the baton the decoy used, for being in his opinion the best Brevet dog in the protection portion of the trial. Cali's GDC results also came back as hips Good, elbows, shoulders, stifles and taursus normal, and CERF normal. Owned/trained by Kadi Thingvall. 2000-08-26
Link Des Ombres Valeureux - FRI - FRI second leg Aug 26, 2000 under judge Rick Maples in Whidbey Island WA with an 170.9, second place (first was 174). Owned/trained by Kadi Thingvall. 2000-08-26
Link Des Ombres Valeureux - FR Brevet/FRI - FR Brevet and FRI first leg July 2000 under judge Ken Jeysman at the WDDC trial in Tacoma WA. Owned/trained by Kadi Thingvall. 2000-07-15
Sophie du Vashon - BH - Sch BH owner trained/handled. 2000-07-15
Pompie du Vashon - OFA Excellent Owned/trained by Scott C. 2000-07-15
Moisin du Vashon - FR Brevet - French Ring Brevet in August '99 at the WWRT trial in Whidbey Island WA under Rick Maples. Every male in this litter has now titled in French Ring, the only female is doing Sch and expected to title as soon as her owners broken ankle heals. Owned/trained by George V. 1999-09-15
Henzo's 44 Magnum - FRI - FRI (191.5, 2nd place) in July '99 at the WDDC trial in Tacoma WA under Alain Karcenty. Magnum is from the du Vashon litter. 1999-07-15
Pompie du Vashon - FR Brevet - French Ring Brevet (HIT) in July '99 at the WDDC trial in Tacoma WA under Alain Karcenty 1999-07-15

Henzo de la Ailzallerie - HCTs - HCT (both legs) in July '99 at the PGWBC herding test in Tacoma WA 1999-07-10
Banzaii du Dantero - HCTs - HCT (both legs) in July '99 at the PGWBC herding test in Tacoma WA Owned/trained by Kadi T. 1999-07-10
Smo Rondyvous du Dantero - 1/2 HCT (first leg) in July '99 at the PGWBC herding test in Tacoma WA He also competed at FRI but didn't pass. Owned/trained by Mikey C. 1999-07-10
Ailza du Dantero - CD - earned the remaining legs of her CD 1999-07-01
Metcalf's D'Jango - FRI - French Ring I (HIT) in May '99 at the STARS trial in El Dorado CA under Michael Valladon. D'Jango is from the du Vashon litter. 1999-05-15
Banzaii du Dantero - CGC/BOB - on passing her CGC and taking BOB and Group 3rd at her first fun match 1999-05-10
Smo Rondyvous du Dantero - Therapy Dog - registered therapy dog with the Delta Society in May '99 1999-05-05
Ousel du Vashon - OFA Excellent May '99 1999-05-05
Henzo's 44 Magnum - OFA Good April '99 1999-04-15
Ailza du Dantero - 1st leg of her CD at the seattle Kennel club on Feb 27 1999 with the score of 189.5 at 3 years of age. 1999-02-27
Ousel du Vashon - FR Brevet (HIT) - French Ring Brevet (HIT) in Oct '98 @ the NW K9 Ring Club's trial in Sherwood OR at just under 2 years of age 1998-10-15

Ousel du Vashon - FRI - French Ring I (2nd place) at the same trial as his Brevet. 1998-10-15
Henzo's 44 Magnum - FR Brevet (HIT) - French Ring Brevet (HIT) in July '98. Washington Defense Dog trial, Tacoma WA at 1.5 yrs old. Judge - Serge Ocard. 1998-07-15
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - FRIII (HIT) - Ring III HIT in July 18 '98 (348.23) Once again, Enzo has done it. HIT Ring III at the Washington Defense Dog Club trial in Tacoma WA. And, a new personal best for him, since I purchased him (still aiming at that high score from France). A 348.23. And if it weren't for a training error on my part (screwed up his long jump badly enough that he didn't jump it at all in the competition, and then also didn't return on the palisade, -30), he would have attained every goal I have for him with a 380+. Oh well, we fix the long jump, and then we'll be back, trying to break that 369.15 again. 1998-07-15
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - FRIII (HIT) - another Ring III HIT in Jun 13 '98 with the PGWBC/WDDC in Santa Rosa CA Judge Jean Yves Reguer Decoys L. Shumate and D. White 1998-02-15
Metcalf's D'Jango - FR Brevet (HIT) - French Ring Brevet (HIT) with a 94.5 in Jan '98 @ S.A.G.E. trial, Aguanga, CA at 15 months of age. 1998-01-15
Smo Rondyvous du Dantero - TT - on his TT in Oct '97 1997-10-15
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - HICs - HIC (herding instinct test) in Oct '97 1997-10-10
Smo Rondyvous du Dantero - FR Brevet - French Ring Brevet with a score of 86.5 (2nd place Brevet score) in August of 1997, at the age of 18 months. 1997-08-15
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - FRIII (HIT) - Ring III HIT in Aug 2 '97 Washington Defense Dog trial, Tacoma WA Judge Serge Ocard, Decoys L. Shumate and F. Fisher 1997-08-10
Henzo de la Ailzallerie - TT - July '97 - Enzo got his TT at the Giant Schnauzer TT nationals (the GSCA put on the TT), and passed with flying colors, proving that a Ring dog can and should be a stable dog. 1997-07-15
Zuckermann Autum Leaves - TT - on his TT with the GSCA in July '97 1997-07-15

Henzo de la Ailzallerie - FRIII (HIT) - At his very first US competition, 6/27/96 we took HIT FRIII with a score of 346.5 Club du Euro Canine, BattleGround WA. Judge - Theo Piekarek 1996-06-27