There are 2150 photos in this slideshow, so grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy. For those on slower connections, or looking for specific photos, I have provided links to the photos by category below. There are even more photos on the Dantero Facebook Page
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Agility | Assistance | Awards | Bark/hold | Bitework | Breast Cancer Fundraiser | Candid | Carting | Collage | Conformation | Dock Diving | Eukanuba Natl Champ | Fetch | Flyball | FRIII Trial | FRII Trial | Frisbee | FRI Trial | FR Brevet Trial | Herding | Horse | Hunting | In The News | Lure Coursing | Malinois Moments | Muzzle | Obedience | OC Pet Fair | Pregnant | SAR | Say Cheese | Show Rating | The Mouth | Tracking | Tribute | Water Play | Weight Pull | X-Rays | Other Misc Photos