Educational Videos

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The following video links are from the now abandoned Independent Ringers website.  I've moved the IR video page here so they are still easy to find. Introduction to FR Introduction to FR – part 1 Introduction to FR – part 2 Introduction to FR – part 3 Introduction to FR – part 4 Introduction to…

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Teaching the Stand

I teach the stand "hands off". How, depends on the size of the dog. If it's a small pup, I am probably still luring the pup into the sit/stand/down. To do the stand I will be a little off to one side of the pup. Lure it into a sit or down. Then holding the…

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Focus for Heeling

This is how I start it with all dogs, pup or adult, trained or untrained. I do modify it as I progress and see either strong progress or issues. Each step is started in a neutral environment, as the dog progresses in that step distractions are slowly added. I hold my hands away from my…

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