Dantero Malinois Presents

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Never Say Never du Dantero

2024 FMBB MR2 competitor
Embark Clear

About "Teagan"

DOB: May 24, 2017

Teagan is a high drive, happy female who is training for MondioRing and agility and has her own opinions on how things work 🙂
The litter has a photo album on Facebook

Diary | Offspring | Photos | Videos

Dantero's Ares - FRIII, PSA2, NADF1, CSAU OFA Good, elbows normal, Embark DNA clear Zurco ot Vitosha - MRII, FRII, IPOIII OFA Good Turcodos Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, SchIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 2000 HD/B Stoned Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 97, 98, 2000, WUBSC 1999 HD/B
J'Eeve ot Vitosha - BH Brawny Bomber ot Vitosha - MRIII
Ch Tr, CH Eureka Du Rez-la-Ville - FRIII, Selectifs, Sch BH, CD, T.T., ROM I, French Import OFA Exc, elbows normal, CERF
Kira du Dantero OFA Fair, elbows normal Rytmo des Deux Pottois - FRIII, 1996 NARA FRIII Champion OFA Good, DNA #V376188 Elgos Du Chemin Des Plaines - FRIII, MRIII, fin. WM '93 (2nd)
Ophelie Des Deux Pottois
Deja Vu du Dantero - SchH III, BH, FR Brevet (HIT), CGC, CSAU OFA Prelim Good, elbows normal Lory de Chantepierre - FRIII, '99 Selectifs, BH, 1998 Championnant de Lorraine Vice Champion - 391.70 OFA Good, Elbows Normal, CERF # BM-458/2001, CHIC, DNA #V209081
Calice du Dantero - 2003 NARA FRI Vice Champion, FRII (competed in FRIII), PSA1, SchH BH, CD, HCTs, HIAs, HTDIs, HRDIs, TFE-I, FDCh-G, CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-S, CL1-F, CGC, Major pointed (BOB), HSAc (1st leg), JHDs (1st leg), HOT GDC Hips - good, GDC Elbows, Shoulders, Tarsus, Stifles - Normal, CERF, CHIC
Fast Forward du Dantero - HRD2, HTAD1, HTD1, PT, HCT, HOT xrayed normal, Embark clear Luigi du Dantero - SchH III, IPO III, BH
2014 SW Regional SchH III Champion
2013 FMBB IPO World Championship, 9th place
2012 FMBB World Championships 3rd place, HIT Tracking
2011 SW Regional SchH III Champion, HIT Obed
2010 SW Regional SchH III Champion, HIT Obed
2009 SW Regional SchH III Champion, HIT Obed & HIT Prot OFA Good, Elbows Normal
Mattole Valley's Evening Echo - SchH III, IPOIII, FRI
2005 USA SW Regional SchII Champion OFA Exc, elbows normal, CERF
Turcodos Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, SchIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 2000 HD/B
Moonquest's Aurora Borealis - Working Ranch Dog OFA Exc
Dantero's Red River Rapids - FRIII, RN, HCT-s, CGC, CHIC, HOT OFA Exc, elbows normal, CERF Rytmo des Deux Pottois - FRIII, 1996 NARA FRIII Champion OFA Good, DNA #V376188
Nature des Ducs du Justemont - FRI OFA Excellent, elbows normal, CERF, CHIC
Blida des Contes d'Hoffmann xrayed normal Urgo des Contes d'Hoffmann - FRIII, Selectifs 07, 08 Veomar van het Groentenhof
Macha des Contes d'Hoffmann
Stania des Contes d'Hoffmann Veomar van het Groentenhof
Louna des Contes d'Hoffmann