Dantero Malinois Presents

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Tektite du Dantero

BN, RN, NF, CL1-R, CL2-H, CL2-S, CL2-F (and more)

About "Tek"

DOB: Feb 24, 2009
Breed: Belgian Malinois

High drives, good structure and handler orientation/sensitivity will make this pup a great agility/obedience. He's social, environmentally solid, loves to retrieve, and very biddable.
Tektite is actively training/trialing in agility and obedience, and adding new titles on a regular basis.

Diary | Offspring | Photos | Videos

Mattole Valley's Evening Echo - SchH III, IPOIII, FRI
2005 USA SW Regional SchII Champion OFA Exc, elbows normal, CERF
Turcodos Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, SchIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 2000 HD/B Stoned Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 97, 98, 2000, WUBSC 1999 HD/B Elgos Du Chemin Des Plaines - FRIII, MRIII, fin. WM '93 (2nd)
Pigrine Nuts
Lara Du Boscaille
Moonquest's Aurora Borealis - Working Ranch Dog OFA Exc Noah vom Fluss Park - CD OFA (E) Ben von Lowenfels - SchIII
Banja Von Christel OFA Good
Diademe d'Elan OFA (G) Unix du Castel d'Aigues - FRIII, '91 N Am. CH, FR Import OFA Exc
Mira des deux Pottois
Jesse du Dantero OFA Good, Elbows Normal Rytmo des Deux Pottois - FRIII, 1996 NARA FRIII Champion OFA Good, DNA #V376188 Elgos Du Chemin Des Plaines - FRIII, MRIII, fin. WM '93 (2nd) Atos - FRIII
Vera De La Fontaine Du Buis
Ophelie Des Deux Pottois B.Tr. G'Vitou des Deux Pottois
Miki Des Deux Pottois - BRIII
Zara v.d. Berlex-Hoeve OFA Fair, Elbows Normal, CERF Turcodos Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, SchIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 2000 HD/B Stoned Van De Duvetorre - IPOIII, FCI & WUBSC World Championships Representative 97, 98, 2000, WUBSC 1999 HD/B
Sanka Van De Berlex-Hoeve - IPOIII, 5 X's World Championships Competitor Lex - IPOIII, SchIII, FCI World Championships
Orry Van De Debbershoeve