
  Click on the dogs name to go to their website with pictures, pedigree, etc. Click on the video description to see the video
Some of the video doesn't have sound, due to the camera it was taken with. These are indicated as (no sound).




Click for the Dogs of Dantero video

Click for a Tribute to Calice du Dantero

There are also a lot of videos on our Facebook and YouTube pages

      Acting      Agility      Bitework      Candid      Cats      Dock_Diving      Environmental      Flirt_Pole      Foundation Work      French_Ring      Frisbee      Herding      Hunt_Drive      K9      Lure_Coursing      Misc_Play      MondioRing      Mondio_Ring      Muzzle_Fight      Obedience      PSA      Puppy_Bitework      Scent_Detection      Schutzhund      Socializing      Temperament_Test      Tracking      Tribute      All the Dogs

File Type Dog's
Video Description -
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Date Uploaded Approx
Instagr Unknown  RR Litter enjoying a meal in their miniature ball pit 2022-03-10 0.7mths
Instagr Pepper  Learning to dock dive 2021-07-15 6.0mths
YouTube Pepper  Introducing Pepper to some new environmental situations, up on unstable surfaces, tarps, etc. and some bicep targeting. 2021-07-03 4.8mths
IG Pepper  Starting retrieves with distractions 2021-06-03 4.2mths
IG Pepper  a little bite work, directionals, puppy gauntlet, zoomy's, and he look at the butterfly puppy brain 2021-06-03 4.2mths
IG Ronin  Starting bicep targeting for PSA 2021-06-03 4.2mths
IG Ronin  Running the gauntlet (environmental situations) 2021-06-03 4.2mths
IG Ronin  Very first car jacking, and some environmental work 2021-06-03 4.2mths
IG Pepper  Environmental fun with puppies and her very first carjacking 2021-05-26 3.8mths
YouTube Paprika  Introduction to accessories for PSA 2020-01-21 7.2mths
IG Persimmon  Starting the tunnel and some accessories 2020-01-21 7.2mths
YouTube Paprika  1st obedience session 2019-08-08 1.8mths
FB Arya  IPO training with Arya 2019-01-28 7.2mths
FB Unknown  OO litter 6 weeks old 2018-08-28 1.2mths
FB Unknown  OO litter 5 weeks old 2018-08-28 1.2mths
YouTube Mali  Mal - puppy bitework 2018-07-02 4.8mths
FB Stitch  Clicker training and learning to mark odor 2018-04-28 3.6mths
FB Keres  Hope working on barking, approximately 7 months old 2018-02-26 7.2mths
FB Keres  IPO bitework, approximately 7 months old 2018-02-26 7.2mths
FB Keres  6 months old, retrieve with an environmental twist 2018-02-26 6.0mths
FB Axel  Axel 8 months old training with Origin Ring Sport for French Ring 2018-02-24 7.9mths
FB Axel  Axel 8 months old training with Origin Ring Sport for French Ring 2018-02-24 8.2mths
FB Teagan  Teagan day to introduction to MondioRing, she moved up to the leg sleeve. 4 months old 2018-02-23 4.0mths
FB Riley  Riley at the PSA club, she's going to be FAST 2018-02-22 6.0mths
FB Gypsy  Bitework training with Gypsy, 7 months old 2018-02-22 7.2mths
FB Bita  Targeting work with Bita, 7 months old 2018-02-22 7.2mths
YouTube Riley  her very first takedown, we are all so proud 🙂 7 months old 2018-02-05 7.2mths
YouTube Neo  Fun with sends 7 months old 2018-02-05 7.2mths
YouTube Neo  Neo - first time doing a car jacking 2018-01-08 7.2mths
YouTube Dace  Long bite during a Ringsport seminar, 7 months old 2018-01-05 7.2mths
YouTube Riley  First time back at the PSA club after a few months off (life happens) 2018-01-05 7.2mths
FB Axel  Axel 5 months old training for French Ring 2017-12-24 4.8mths
FB Axel  Axel 5 months old learning place for the guard of object 2017-12-24 4.8mths
FB Teagan  Teagan's introduction to Mondio Ring, 4 months old 2017-12-23 4.0mths
FB Teagan  Teagan learning various MR behaviors, recall, out/guard, etc 5 months old 2017-12-23 4.8mths
FB Mali  Bitework with Malice approximately 7 months old 2017-10-22 7.2mths
FB Gypsy  Hurdle foundation training with Gypsy, 2 months old 2017-10-22 2.4mths
YouTube LA  3.5 months old, flirt pole, puppy sleeve, retrieves 2017-09-14 3.4mths
YouTube Unknown  NN Litter 7 weeks old. 1st individual flirt pole sessions 2017-07-18 1.4mths
FB Unknown  MM Litter flirt pole fun - 5 weeks old 2017-06-22 1.2mths
Instagr Lonely  9 weeks old, first obedience session 2017-04-12 1.8mths
Youtube Unknown  MM Litter flirt pole fun at 7 weeks 2017-04-06 1.8mths
FB Bita  Flirtpole fun with Bita, 3 months 2017-02-22 3.6mths
Faceboo Sievert  Socialization, first time meeting Doug, also a new location 2017-01-31 6.0mths
Faceboo Sievert  new place, new decoy, doing some basic bitework and grip development 2017-01-31 6.0mths
Youtube Sievert  testing hunt drive with Sievert 2017-01-26 6.0mths
YouTube Sievert  Introduction to sheep 2016-09-17 2.0mths
YouTube Bita  Bita first time seeing sheep 2016-04-25 2.2mths
YouTube Bita  Bita and Boy 10 weeks old in the box pit for the first time 2016-04-21 2.2mths
YouTube Bees  Bita and Boy 10 weeks old in the box pit for the first time 2016-04-21 2.2mths
YouTube Bita  Boy and Bita hunting for food in the box pit 2016-04-21 2.4mths
YouTube Bees  Bees and Bita hunting for food in the box pit 2016-04-21 2.4mths
YouTube Jasper  Jasper in the box pit, working on hunt drive and environmental exposure 2016-02-08 4.0mths
YouTube Jasper  Jasper doing some basic puppy bitework 2016-01-25 3.6mths
YouTube Unknown  JJ Litter - 7 to 10 weeks old, grips and drives 2015-12-07 1.8mths
Youtube CJ  CJ and Fuzzy at the FR club, environmental and people socialization 2015-03-20 1.8mths
YouTube Pistol  Pistol - 11 weeks old, some environmental tug fun 2014-09-08 2.4mths
YouTube Ferbinator  Puppy obedience with Ferb 2013-09-16 3.0mths
YouTube CJ  CJ - 12 weeks old doing some prey and environmental work 2013-08-19 2.6mths
YouTube Fuzzy  Fuzzbit - 12 weeks old, some environmental and prey work 2013-08-19 2.6mths
YouTube Jenny  Jenny - 12 weeks old going down the circular slide at the park 2013-01-25 3.0mths
YouTube Kilo  Kilo - some hunt drive games and environmental stability testing 2012-10-08 8.0mths
YouTube CC  CC second time on the sheep, 14 weeks old 2012-09-19 3.1mths
YouTube Ares  Ares - working on tuck for the basic heel position 2012-08-20 7.8mths
YouTube Ares  Ares - 7 months, working the Ringsport escort 2012-06-23 7.2mths
YouTube Ares  Ares - 7 months working the retrieve 2012-06-23 7.2mths
YouTube Ares  Ares - 6 months old working on the blind search, bark and hold, and escort 2012-05-14 6.0mths
YouTube Ares  Ares - 6 month old Malinois obedience training 2012-05-14 6.0mths
YouTube Kilo  Kilo - 2.5 m working on object/place 2012-05-06 2.4mths
YouTube Kilo  Kilo - 2.5m working on basic obedience 2012-05-05 2.4mths
YouTube Ares  Ares 5m old, working the defense of handler 2012-04-20 5.4mths
YouTube Ares  Ares - 5 months old working on the blind search and guard of object 2012-04-15 5.4mths
YouTube Ares  5 month old learning the Guard of Object for Mondio Ring and French Ring with John Garcia 2012-04-07 4.8mths
YouTube Kilo  8 weeks old, first time playing fetch 2012-04-07 1.9mths
YouTube Ares  Ares learning the Mondioring "little wood" exercise 2012-03-03 4.0mths
YouTube Ares  Ares playing fetch and some environmental exposure on a rainy day 2012-01-23 2.4mths
YouTube Ezzard  Ezzard, 6 months old, working on blinds, out/guard, bark and hold, obedience for the bite, transport. 2012-01-17 6.0mths
YouTube Ezzard  Ezzard and Dave doing some obedience, Ezzard is 4.5 months old 2011-11-05 4.8mths
YouTube Nimble  Nimble's first introduction to the wobble board 2011-10-15 2.4mths
YouTube Ezzard  Ezzard working on Schutzhund obedience 2011-10-15 3.6mths
YouTube Lala  Lala after her spay, trying to give herself a bath with her Elizabethian collar on LOL 2010-08-25 6.0mths
Link Wicked  Videos of Won with the V litter pups, playing, discovering raw meat, etc 2010-06-13 0.8mths
YouTube Extra  Extra - 6 months old, out in the field on the long bungee for the first time 2010-04-07 6.0mths
YouTube Balzac  Monkey AKA Balzac working with Francis at 3 months, Balzac is from Lilly x Arras 2010-01-02 3.6mths
YouTube Balzac  Balzac doing some environmental stuff at a local pub, 4 months old, Balzac is from Lilly x Arras 2010-01-02 4.8mths
YouTube Elly  Elly, some basic puppy tug 2010-01-02 3.6mths
YouTube Unknown  S Litter - First time out at Pete's place, playing on the "puppy rubble pile" on uneven and unstable footing 2009-02-18 1.7mths
YouTube Rev  Cary and Rev playing fetch at the park 2008-09-15 4.8mths
YouTube Unknown  P Litter du Dantero - 7 weeks old 2008-06-15 1.6mths
YouTube Unknown  R litter du Dantero (Havok x Flip) 7.5 weeks old, some one on one tug work. 2008-06-15 1.8mths
YouTube Unknown  Q litter du Dantero (Mac x Flip) 7.5 weeks old, some one on one tug work. 2008-06-15 1.8mths
Link Unknown  V litter videos from 5 weeks on up 2008-06-15 0.0mths
YouTube Ares  Ares working on "object" (for the guard of object), sit, stand, down and retrieves 2008-06-15 3.8mths
YouTube Kita  Kita, just a few days before she turned 4 months, doing some environmental introductions with a puppy sleeve. 2008-03-10 4.0mths
YouTube Peron  Peron, just a few days before he turned 4 months, doing some environmental introductions with a puppy sleeve and some suit work 2008-03-10 4.0mths
YouTube Kita  Kita, 13 weeks, on the suit for the first time doing sends with an out/recall 2008-02-09 3.0mths
YouTube Crash  Crash doing bitework during a seminar @ 5 months 2008-02-07 5.4mths
YouTube Peron  Peron at 12 weeks doing some retrieves, biting the suit, and some work on a soft sleeve. 2008-02-07 2.9mths
YouTube Peron  Peron at 8 weeks doing some tug work in the yard. 2008-01-03 1.8mths
YouTube Phace  Phoenix at 8 weeks doing some tug work in the yard. 2008-01-03 1.8mths
YouTube Poe  Poe at 13 weeks doing some environmental/tug work. 2007-07-25 3.6mths
YouTube Gidget  Gidget (puppy name Ikey), from Flip's first litter, doing some tug work with a friend 2007-07-15 6.0mths
YouTube BB(1)  BB, from Flip's first litter, doing tug work with a friend 2007-07-15 6.0mths
YouTube Alpha  Alpha, from Flip's first litter, doing some basic tug work with a friend 2007-07-15 6.0mths
YouTube Poe  O'Boy at 9 weeks doing some rag work in the yard. 2007-06-24 2.4mths
YouTube Sophie (N)  Sophie at 7 months old training for French Ring. 2007-06-07 7.2mths
YouTube Nexxus  Compilation of video of Nexxus from 4-6 months of age, training for Ring and Schutzhund. 2007-05-20 4.8mths
YouTube Aires  Aires doing some French Ring training (obed and bites) at 6 months of age. 2007-05-19 6.0mths
YouTube Sophie (N)  Sophie's 2nd time working with decoy for french ring sport, 6.5 months old. 2007-05-17 6.6mths
YouTu Nexxus  Nexxus doing some puppy work during a seminar, she had just turned 4 months that week. 2007-02-18 3.6mths
YouTu Jazz  Jazz during her puppy graduation. 2007-02-02 3.6mths
WMV Lynx  Lynx - L litter du Dantero pup at 8 weeks old. 2005-11-24 1.8mths
YouTube Crash  Crash - 13 weeks, playing with the hoola hoop for the first time 2004-09-20 3.6mths
WMV Dodger  Dodger - 6 mnths in a dimly lit room on extremely slick floors. The videographer was also the handler so we missed the initial entry. I lightened the video as much as possible so you can see the action. 2004-09-20 6.0mths